A fellow blogger has asked the question as to why non-inner city Christians do not do more inner city work. I was going to answer his question, and then I realized that my answer would be too long for a simple comment, so I decided to put it here. There are a complex of reasons why non-inner city […]
Confusing thoughts
Mulligan Stew rather than Melting Pot
https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/o8h5yplm · by 1 Comment
https://chemxtree.com/unbax5yuh What is Mulligan Stew? Well, there are a couple of definitions, but the one that I learned growing up was: Said to have originated in hobo camps during the early 1900s, mulligan stew is a sort of catch-all dish of whatever is available. It usually contains meat, potatoes and vegetables in just about any combination. […]
We are all socialists now – Newsweek
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The latest issue of Newsweek has an article titled, We Are All Socialists Now. It has a rather controversial theme which is captured in the following quote: The U.S. government has already-under a conservative Republican administration-effectively nationalized the banking and mortgage industries. That seems a stronger sign of socialism than $50 million for art. Whether […]
Lenten sermon series
Good Samaritans and waiters/waitresses
This is actually a continuation of the last post because on the other blog, they are already up over 100 comments. One person posted and commented that the people that the New Testament is calling for us to help are the people within the Church, and only if there is enough left over are we […]
Christians, Rudeness, and lack of witness
I am cross posting the following quote from InternetMonk who got it from the blog Prayer Pilgrimage. My daughter, taking a break from her pursuit of a graduate degree, is a server at the Chili’s a few miles down from our house. Like many others her age she is already pretty critical of the church […]
The poor teach us
The poor teach us. No, no, no, I am not talking some of the sloppy sentimentality that passes for serious thinking in too much of the Hollywood set. Rather, today I am thinking about the example of a friend of mine. In southern Peru, I was field director of a region. I had two indigenous […]
Separating Church and State
In the post yesterday about Patriarch Alexiy, I wrote the paragraph below. It struck me that this could lead to some additional comments that might be helpful as we, in the USA, think through what Church and State mean. However, being Cuban, and having served as a missionary in South America, I had the opportunity […]
A small victory for religious expression
The Associated Press just recently published an article titled Rastafarian can sue over Jiffy Lube hair policy. You can read it here. The gist of the article is that Jiffy Lube had already in its employ a person who follows the Rastafarian religion. He had been allowed to follow the Rastafarian hair regulations previously, then […]
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