I saw a wonderful sight on CNN last night. Two ex-Presidents from different parties joining together to speak about Haiti and to raise support for the emergency and rebuilding efforts. One was President William Jefferson Clinton the other was President George W. Bush. One of the questions to them was even about the polarized politics […]
A book on the militia movement
Few people would accuse the University of Michigan Press as being radically conservative. Quite the opposite, the University of Michigan is known to be at the other end of the spectrum. For instance, the entire university is due to go smoke-free by 2011, anywhere on campus, even outside. They are also known for the annual […]
The Virgin Mary and the definition of an adult
So, how old was Mary, Our Lady, when she became pregnant with Our Lord Jesus Christ? Well, the answer commonly held by the Early Church Fathers was the same as what the totally apocryphal gospel, the Protoevangelium of James says. What does that apocryphal writing say? And when she was twelve years old there was […]
My, how our thinking has changed!
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Get Clonazepam Delivered Fast The article below is a reprint from a post by David Frum, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute. Though the post is on the current climate debate crisis, read it carefully. The point he is making is actually significantly more important than just the climate debate. They key phrase is, “It used to […]
Shifting gears to become Orthodox Yesterday I received a note from someone thinking about Orthodoxy. In the note he asked about what it means when so many of us say that in order to become Orthodox you have to be willing to “shift gears” or to “change the way you think” in order to become Orthodox. I must admit that […]
Speaking the truth in love
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Yesterday I quoted Saint Paul, “Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.” I wrote that in connection with the tendency of too many bloggers to just write neither exactly the truth nor to write in love. And, that is a […]
On science fiction and capitalism
Many science fiction writers–but not fantasy writers–are, in many ways, our secular modern version of the Delphic oracles who tried to look into the future. These writers have to construct imaginary worlds based on what is currently known about science and human history and posit various future histories based on what we have now and looking […]
Christians and sweat shops overseas
Father Orthoduck is aware that Christians from every political persuasion have condemned the sweat shops and forced child labor used in several of the countries that provide our clothing, toys, etc. There is no religious support for children being exploited by adult owners in order to save wages and benefits in order to make better […]
Israel was neither a democracy nor a constitutional monarchy
This is a small caveat to all our discussions in which we look at Old Testament Israel to try to apply some of what was done back then to today’s economic and political situations and this caveat applies whether we are conservative or liberal. Israel was not a representative democracy. Israel was not a constitutional […]
A denominational aside
Let me take a denominational aside before I continue on with typology the next day. Below is something that I posted on another blog. In passing the World Christian Database run from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary shows the USA as having the highest number of Christian denominations within its national borders. The second highest number of […]