OK, I understand much of what you have been saying, but why must I have a sponsor, or why is a baby expected to have godparents? Well, in the book of Hebrews, it says: For though by this time you ought to be teachers, you need someone to teach you again the first principles of […]
Why do you make it so hard to become Orthodox? – part 02
· by 9 Comments So, why is a catechumen encouraged to take on a “new” name when they are chrismated? What’s in a name? Taking on a new name is not necessary, but it is highly encouraged. The background to a name change goes all the way back to the beginnings of God’s special interactions with Abraham and continued […]
Why do you make it so hard to become Orthodox? – part 01
· by 17 Comments Last week one of my readers asked me to comment on the year-long process to become Orthodox and be allowed to participate in the sacraments. Let me begin with a bit of contrast. Recently, an evangelical who worked on the Mike Huckabee presidential campaign, and is a blogger, wrote a posting listing ten problems with […]
What do Eastern Orthodox believe about free will?
· by 2 Comments
I have very obviously not done a good job explaining what Eastern Orthodox believe about free will. So, rather than using my own words, let me quote a couple of excerpts from The Confession of Dositheus. This confession was approved by the Synod of Jerusalem of 1672. It is not considered an Ecumenical Council by […]
Sacramental, Attractional, Missional, what is the Church? – Aslan knows! · by 3 Comments
The author of another blog asked several of us a question. “What is the way to go to be the church Jesus is building: Sacramental, Attractional or Missional? And in what mixture? For what reasons?” I answered as follows: In the last book of the Chronicles of Narnia, The Last Battle, the Pevensie children, after […]
The Secret of Father Brown · by 5 Comments
There is a wonderful series of stories published by G.K. Chesterton that have to do with a Roman Catholic priest in England who solves mainly murder mysteries. His name is Father Brown. It is a series that I highly recommend and has been published in its entirety by Penguin Books in the past. Unlike Sherlock […]
Salvation, Justification, Works 03
“Progress should mean that we are always changing the world to fit the vision, instead we are always changing the vision.” — G.K. Chesterton I replied to a comment made on something I wrote on another blog and I thought the answer was worth posting here as well, with a couple of additional comments. I […]
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe — Aslan is Eastern Orthodox
Warning: If you have not read C.S. Lewis’ book, The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe then this post will not make sense to you. In the midst of all the discussion that has been going on over justification, salvation, sanctification, etc. on this blog and on other blogs on which I have posted, I […]
Semper Paratus
When I lived in Port Huron, Michigan, my wife and I were friends with some men (and their wives) who served at the Coast Guard station there. They were wonderful men and heroes, every one. One of them had even won a medal for diving in after a crewmate who had fallen of the ship […]
Salvation, Justification, Works 02
Below is a follow-up email that I sent. Obviously, I have taken out any personal notes and simply put in the meat of the ongoing discussion. ==== I have been enjoying the discussion on Sola Fide immensely. It has been very exciting to be able to review theology on this subject, particularly since it has […]