Thank you iMonk!
The most unexpected award of 2008
· by Leave a Comment Well, I have just finally read what I consider the Most Unexpected Award of 2008. Yes, this award came out of left-field for me. I must admit that, at first, I wondered whether it was a serious award or whether someone was pulling my leg. But, I duly went to the internet site and you […]
Heavenly clouds on Christmas Eve We had the traditional Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil on Christmas Eve, late afternoon. We had the unexpected addition of two visiting chanters who volunteered to help our lone chanter. As a result, we had some wonderful three-part chanting going on. It really helped the congregation join in. On the funny side, I got just […]
What priests sometimes wish they could do
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Good reply!
Purchase Zolpidem Online I should have known better than to try to start a serious blogging series heading right into Christmas. Somehow, I either forgot, or my memory blessedly blocked out, how busy a pastor gets right before one of the two major holidays. Meantime, here is another cartoon for you to think about. In passing, for those […]
Brandon Milan – I think my wife is a Calvinist.
My kudos to iMonk for a lead to this fine bit of humor. I am nearly done with the Christmas bulletin, so I should soon be able to get back to more serious blogging, although who knows. The song author’s blog post containing this song is found here.
For you Martin Luther fans
Hey all, Sorry but I am still traveling. This is for you Martin Luther fans. Enjoy!
St. Cyprian on traditions
I have to travel unexpectedly today, so for those of you waiting for the follow-up post on the Church, I leave you with the following. I am quite well aware that not all traditions are equal. In fact, so were the Early Church Fathers. St. Cyprian said: “Custom is often only the antiquity of error.” […]
New voting trend?
Nudists seek clothing-optional voting Published: Oct. 31, 2008 at 11:50 PM LAND O’ LAKES, Fla., Oct. 31 (UPI) — Residents of the clothing-optional Caliente Resorts in Land O’ Lakes, Fla., said they are lobbying to create the first clothing-optional U.S. polling place.Caliente spokeswoman Angye Fox said the resort wants to make it easier for the […]
Not just Orthodox argue over minutae
We Eastern Orthodox are known for the variety and minutae of our arguments. We can argue even over details of the decorations allowed on our vestments, the appropriate length of our beards (or whether they are required), the appropriate way to translate Greek declensions into unreadable King James English, etc. But, I have finally realized […]