Many Western saints are not known to Eastern Christians, just like many Eastern saints are not known to Western Christians. I am talking about the saints that both the East and the West have in common because they come from the time of an united Christendom. Yesterday I mentioned that for various historical reasons, some […]
The Holy Innocents killed by Herod (2010) · by Leave a Comment
Buy Discount Ambien One of the oddities of the Church calendar is that there are certain feasts that are celebrated on one day in the East, but another day in the West. This is the case of the Feast of the Holy Innocents. The West celebrated that feast yesterday, but the East celebrates it today. Here is what […]
Father Sampson the Hospitable (or the Hospitalier)
· by Leave a Comment Yesterday’s saint was one that I particularly liked. Father Sampson the Hospitable is the type of saint that I wish more of us would emulate, at least in part. Why do I say in part? Because he was also a priest and celibate. I am a priest and married. Not all of us are called […]
Monk wanna be
· by 7 Comments Pithless Thoughts did it to me again! When I saw this “magazine cover,” I laughed and laughed. And, then, I wondered whether I should be crying. Yes, it challenged me again. Sadly, we have some monk wanna be people in Orthodoxy. It is a serious enough problem that our bishops had to address the issue […]
Pilgrimages and delusion
· by 1 Comment I must admit that this cartoon from Pithless Thoughts quite challenged me. I have been to several countries. In those countries, I have visited the tombs of famous saints, or their places of death. I have visited famous cathedrals, or monasteries. I have imagined what it would be like to have stood up to evil […]
The Confession of Saint Patrick of Ireland
Assorted news stories about Christian suffering
The thing about saints
Clonazepam Withdrawal Symptoms Here is a quick thought for you. We love to read about the lives of saints. They are wonderful stories that show us what a person who is totally submitted to the Lord can do. Often, they also show us how a person can overcome terrible sin in their lives. But, here is the thing […]
The poor teach us
· by 2 Comments The poor teach us. No, no, no, I am not talking some of the sloppy sentimentality that passes for serious thinking in too much of the Hollywood set. Rather, today I am thinking about the example of a friend of mine. In southern Peru, I was field director of a region. I had two indigenous […]
St. Cyprian on traditions I have to travel unexpectedly today, so for those of you waiting for the follow-up post on the Church, I leave you with the following. I am quite well aware that not all traditions are equal. In fact, so were the Early Church Fathers. St. Cyprian said: “Custom is often only the antiquity of error.” […]