Today is the Sunday of Saint Gregory Palamas among the Orthodox. Imagine my surprise when I found an article in a sci-fi magazine that was written by a Christian. You can find it here. In it I found the following quote: “And while it makes perfect … [Continue reading]
They who wait for us As with those who are in their 60’s and later, I find myself looking back at my past and thinking about it. Particularly during Lent, a period of reflection, my past comes back. Today, at work, something triggered those remembrances and I mentioned … [Continue reading]
Good explanation of the Trump phenomenon · by Leave a Comment
A very good article was published at on how we ended up with a Trump candidacy that has been so successful. There is an impressive, and slightly lengthy quote as to how Trump was able to get ascendancy in the Republican Party: But in … [Continue reading]
My last confession – Les Misérables
· by Leave a Comment I freely admit to crying every time I see the clip above. It is The Death of Valjean from Les Misérables. It especially gets to me at this time during Lent, for it expresses my greatest hope. As he sings: Valjean – “It’s the story of one who turned … [Continue reading]
On the calculus of death: election issue The cartoon above is overly simplistic, but makes an important point. It shows a Republican elephant carrying two signs that say, “Pro Life,” and “Keep the Death Penalty.” Meantime, the Democratic donkey also is carrying two signs, “Pro Choice,” and … [Continue reading]
On the party of death: election issue, uhm, which one?

Cheap Zolpidem Tartrate 10 Mg Yesterday, I published a blog post about the current election in which I spoke about Saint Thomas á Kempis and his statement that: “If you say that you cannot suffer much, how will you endure the fire of purgatory? Of two evils, the lesser is … [Continue reading]
On the lesser of two evils: election issue
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Ambien Sales Online Yesterday a friend made a very apt comment in reply to one of my Facebook comments. He wrote: But did God mandate that Big Government be the answer to this? As a retired legislator I know put it, speaking from over a decade of experience in office: … [Continue reading]
Obama Derangement Syndrome is real
Ambien Buy Uk I have avoided using the term Obama Derangement Syndrome, except in a couple of Facebook posts. I have avoided using the term because I have previously regarded it as a pejorative term. Sadly, Marco Rubio has finally convinced me that the term is … [Continue reading]
Academy Awards, racism, and white privilege Last night Chris Rock had an opening monologue that hit hard at the Hollywood powers-that-be. As you may, or may not, know, there have been no black actors nominated for a major Oscar in a couple of years. This has been even when there have been … [Continue reading]
Built Ford Tough – NOT One of the famous sayings by the Ford Motor Company is “Built Ford Tough.” A new campaign is “Drive the Future of Tough.” Unfortunately, my experience with one of the recent models has been anything but “Ford Tough.” If anything, my experience has … [Continue reading]
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