The last 48 hours brought to mind that old Sunday School song which has the lyrics about Noah building God an arky arky and bringing in the animals by twosies twosies. We have been in the bullseye of Tropical Storm Fay for those many hours. The … [Continue reading]
That believing you may have life

On another blog a comment was made about a church sign that says, "The Bible shows us a picture of who we really are." It said that the picture that is showed is one of marauding, murdering, racist, and xenophobic people. And, actually, there is … [Continue reading]
Lowering the drinking age
A website reports an interesting story on how college presidents believe that it is time to lower the drinking age to the voting age. Apparently, college drinking tends towards binge drinking precisely because it is forbidden. Actually, this is … [Continue reading]
Church planting
I was talking to an old friend of mine tonight. -- Yes, an old friend, he is retired now and was best man at my wedding 30 years ago. -- He happens to be a church growth statistic geek. When he was young, he was involved in a college campus ministry. … [Continue reading]
Frank Schaeffer and Russia
Recently, a well know Orthodox writer, Frank Schaeffer, wrote an opinion blog on the invasion of Georgia by Russia. It was answered by a rather strong column by another blogger (warning, strong language used). In the article, Frank Schaeffer … [Continue reading]
Top urban legends
Have you received the email about . . . ? All of us get e-mails forwarded from our friends. Many of them contain some story or other that either has a deep meaning, or tell an incredible story, or give us the truth behind some event. Unfortunately … [Continue reading]
Martha & Mary – the Gospel of the Dormition
Sometimes the lectionary reading chosen for a particular feast can give us an unexpected insight into what our Church Fathers thought was important. The reading for today's Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos is one such reading. It was from Luke … [Continue reading]
Ill and in Pain, Detainee Dies in U.S. hands
The title above is the title of a New York Times article published today. You can read it here. The gist of the article is simple. The immigrant in question was not an illegal immigrant. He came to the USA from China (not Taiwan, but China) on a … [Continue reading]
I desire mercy and not sacrifice. . ., part 3
So, how does one apply the concept of oeconomia? As we used to say, that is where the rubber meets the road." Among us, it is the bishops who ultimately apply the concept of oeconomia, sometimes acting alone and sometimes in concert. Even when a … [Continue reading]
I desire mercy and not sacrifice. . ., part 2

In order for oeconomia to work properly, there needs to be an understanding of what it is and what it is not. Oeconomia is not a simple relaxation of the rules, as though either a priest or a bishop were winking at you, patting you on the shoulder, … [Continue reading]