So, I watched the take-off of Gov. Sarah Palin and Sen. Hillary Clinton done by Saturday Night Live. I can see why it has become such a popular clip. The humor was almost slapstick without being rude, and the comic timing was faultless. If they can … [Continue reading]
Autumn Book Club (crossposted with small alteration from Huw)
TODAY IS The beginning of the Autumn Book Club’s reading of Olivier Clement’s Roots of Christian Mysticism. Blogging with us, we have: Lee Sally Fr Gregory Huw Fr Peter Zara Sare The full reading schedule is posted for any and all … [Continue reading]
How big is your cross?
Today is the Feast of the Elevation of the Cross. Most of us think of its historical side, of St. Helen, the mother of St. Constantine making a pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the year 325 and having a hand in identifying the true Cross. But, my mind has … [Continue reading]
Snap Shots
Introducing Snap Shots from I just installed a nice little tool on this site called Snap Shots that enhances links with visual previews of the destination site, interactive excerpts of Wikipedia articles, MySpace profiles, IMDb profiles and … [Continue reading]
September 11 silence
I thought of posting yesterday on September 11. But, I found myself wondering if there were anything worthwhile that I could post. I finally decided on a day of silence. Sometimes, silence is golden. Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, may our … [Continue reading]
St. Leo the Great on the Cross
Our understanding, which is enlightened by the Spirit of truth, should receive with purity and freedom of heart the glory of the cross as it shines in heaven and on earth. It should see with inner vision the meaning of the Lord's words when he spoke … [Continue reading]
St. Theodore the Studite on the Cross
How precious the gift of the cross, how splendid to contemplate! In the cross there is no mingling of good and evil, as in the tree of paradise: it is wholly beautiful to behold and good to taste. The fruit of this tree is not death but life, not … [Continue reading]
St. Augustine of Hippo on the Cross
“As they were looking on, so we too gaze on his wounds as he hangs. We see his blood as he dies. We see the price offered by the redeemer, touch the scars of his resurrection. He bows his head, as if to kiss you. His heart is made bare … [Continue reading]
St. John of Damascus on the Cross
By nothing else except the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ has death been brought low: The sin of our first parent destroyed, hell plundered, resurrection bestowed, the power given us to despise the things of this world, even death itself, the … [Continue reading]
The suffragette movement
You might find the essay below interesting. Unfortunately the author is unknown. You can see the article and accompanying comments at ======== WHY WOMEN SHOULD VOTE This is the story of … [Continue reading]
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