A relative of mine sent me a question asking how I could support a particular candidate that shall remain unnamed in this blog. I sent my relative the following answer: Let me give you a really short answer. I will send a longer one later. But, … [Continue reading]
What is a monk?

"Fr. Ernesto suggested above that we should look to the monastics of the early church. But is that Biblical? Where in the Bible does it say we should withdraw from society and exclude the rest of the world, and live lives of poverty?" The first … [Continue reading]
National crime and prison policies are failures, part 02
So, how did we get into the prison mess in which we find ourselves? To recap part 01, we have the highest prison population in the world, both in numbers, and in the percentage of our residents who are in jail. But, the situation that the Pew … [Continue reading]
National crime and prison policies are failures, part 01

In a report on the failure of California's prison policies, the New York Times reports that California now spends 10% of its budget on prison costs, and that this cost is expected to go higher. What are the causes? A study done by the Federal … [Continue reading]
Neither Obama nor McCain may be eligible to run for President!
Yes, folks, the disgusting season is still with us. You may remember that a lawsuit was actually filed against Sen. McCain early in the campaign, on the grounds that he was not a true natural born citizen of the United States of America. The … [Continue reading]
Russian Patriarch feeling good about Roman Pope

Below is a very promising quote from an article. To see the rest of the article, please go to: Permalink: http://zenit.org/article-24026?l=english MOSCOW, OCT. 22, 2008.- Russian Orthodox Patriarch Alexy II responded to a letter from Benedict … [Continue reading]
Greek linguistic geekery

This is a bit of linguistic geekery. When I first went to seminary, I was taught to read and pronounce the Greek of the first century, called koine Greek. However, I later found out that the pronunciation I was taught is called Erasmian. That … [Continue reading]
Greeks punished by USA
The Hellenic voice reports that Greece has been denied membership in the Visa Waiver Program. Greece is now the only Western European country whose citizens must request a visa in order to visit the United States of America. The purpose of the Visa … [Continue reading]
Family Guy show calls McCain / Palin ticket Nazis

In another example of how low the election has sunk, last Sunday night's episode of the Fox animated program, "Family Guy," showed a character wearing a full Nazi uniform and wearing a McCain / Palin ticket on his uniform coat. Brooks Barnes … [Continue reading]
Congresswoman calls for an investigation of Congress
This is an incredible seven minute interview of Republican congresswoman from Minnesota, Michele Bachmann, telling Chris Matthews on MSNBC that the press should start investigating members of the House and Senate to determine which ones are … [Continue reading]
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