I just watched the opening of the USA Embassy in Jerusalem. It is a move with which I agree. I am not the only socially progressive person to also agree. I listened with interest to a Congressman who is a Bernie Sanders backer who also agreed with … [Continue reading]
On war and healing
The Opposite of War is Not Peace -- What the Orthodox Byzantines retained was an older Greek notion that war inevitably damages the soul. Even in a just cause, in self-defense or to protect innocents, participation in war still harms the soul in some … [Continue reading]
Memorial Day is coming up
For the Fallen by Laurence Binyon With proud thanksgiving, a mother for her children, England mourns for her dead across the sea. Flesh of her flesh they were, spirit of her spirit, Fallen in the cause of the free. Solemn the drums thrill; Death … [Continue reading]
Allegory, one of the correct ways to interpret Scripture
“The birth of Isaac was, of course, an absolute absurdity. The notion that a 100-year-old man and his 90-year-old wife, who have never had a child in the course of their long married life, should bear a son, and to place the hopes of the whole future … [Continue reading]
Jesus is not a northern European
The video above made me laugh quite a lot. Though there is some exaggeration, in that Jesus is unlikely to have been black, nevertheless, it is true that Jesus' skin color would not have been northern European white. In 2015, a forensic … [Continue reading]
Christians are called to be fully pro-life without declaring one part to be more important than another
101. The other harmful ideological error is found in those who find suspect the social engagement of others, seeing it as superficial, worldly, secular, materialist, communist or populist. Or they relativize it, as if there are other more important … [Continue reading]
St. Francis of Assisi and PTSD
One of the little known episodes of the life of Saint Francis of Assisi is that he participated in war before he received his calling. He had romantic dreams of being a knight. History records that he sang like a troubadour and liked drinking and … [Continue reading]
Possible McCabe loss of pension should not happen in order to protect whistleblowers
I know that it is probable that many of you are excited by the possible firing of McCabe by Sessions just three days before his retirement. By doing this, Sessions could ensure that McCabe loses his retirement pension. The firing has been recommended … [Continue reading]
On losing a mother to dementia
It is said that no child should die before their parents do: “No parent should have to bury a child ... No mother should have to bury a son. Mothers are not meant to bury sons. It is not in the natural order of things. I buried my son. In a … [Continue reading]
On tradition and Holy Tradition
"Not everything in the Church belongs to its Holy Tradition for not everything in the Church is done by the grace of the Holy Spirit, and not everything in the Church pertains essentially and necessarily to the Kingdom Of God. Some things in the … [Continue reading]
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