Yesterday, President Obama faced the difficult task of trying to speak to a nation that had been battered by the pundits and talking heads since the murders in Tucson. I call them murders because they appear to be premeditated. I do not believe that … [Continue reading]
Some Orthodox sayings for January 2011
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Your enemies have not fallen asleep, and night and day they do not forget to set traps for you. Do not seek after honors, then, so you will not be humiliated to the great joy of your enemies. Seek rather humility. -- St. Pachomius the Great (5th … [Continue reading]
The shootings in Arizona, a time for weeping and a time for quiet reflection This past weekend, a shooting rampage happened in Arizona. A female Democratic Congressional Representative and a male Republican Federal Judge were killed. I wanted to wait to write something because the news were unclear and because assassinations … [Continue reading]
A good article on Europe and Christian heritage Normally, I do not post articles written by other people in their entirety. But, this article is worth the effort to post here. Mostly, I tend to heavily critique American Christian political conservatives for many stances that worry me. But, this is … [Continue reading]
Of daughters and the Bronze Star Medal Yesterday, I commented that, in an excess of caution, I was withholding the name of our youngest daughter who was awarded the Bronze Star Medal. I have since found out that it has been published publicly, so I am free to show you a photograph of the … [Continue reading]
Gasp! My secret is out!
· by Leave a Comment Father Orthoduck knew that someday he would be found out! Father Ernesto is still spending time with his daughter. Blogging should resume soon. … [Continue reading]
Daughter home, time to kill the fatted calf

I posted no post today. That is because my wife, one of our daughters, and two grandchildren, and I, went to be at our youngest daughter's dismissal from active duty ceremony. Her unit just returned from Iraq, and earlier today we picked her up with … [Continue reading]
A good example of love in action
· by 1 Comment Just yesterday I received the following e-mail from a person who has posted on this blog: . . . I have been reading & enjoying your blog & have recently commented on the Anabaptist church. I have noticed that you have written often about … [Continue reading]
Texas, yet again, and again, and again … no Lone Ranger there!
Buy Zolpidem In India Many of us remember watching the Lone Ranger when we were children. Every Saturday morning, there he would be, fighting the evil men and bringing justice to the West. He was a Texan in the most mythical sense of the word. He never shot a person … [Continue reading]
Orthodoxy and para-Church organizations
Fr. Ernesto's subject from yesterday will continue tomorrow. There is little doubt that parachurch organizations now have a large part in providing many services and/or evangelism and/or missions that the Church is supposed to be doing. This … [Continue reading]
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