Yesterday I quoted from a book by a priest whom I know. In it he said: Let me submit to you, therefore, that the great spiritual battle of our time is not a struggle between believers and atheists. Rather, it is a struggle between pride and … [Continue reading]
Fool me once . . . read a good book
· by 1 Comment One of the answers to being fooled by inappropriate theology or by other religions is to read a good book that gives you a quick grounding and compares Orthodoxy to other religious systems. I was actually planning a different post for today, but this … [Continue reading]
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice …
Just yesterday I posted, with permission, an article that documented some of the origins of pre-tribulation rapture theology. I wish the Jesuits had not been mentioned, as they are the whipping boys for every possible Christian conspiracy theory that … [Continue reading]
21 May 2011, The Rapture did not come — again
[Ed. Note: As of 24 June 2011, the article below has been found to be unreliable. Therefore, I have removed identifying information. Should you wish to read the correction, please go to a later post in my blot. You can find it here.] Well, the time … [Continue reading]
Old veterans and gentle wisdom
· by 3 Comments I work the midnight shift at a VA Medical Center. When I leave in the morning by the emergency room door, there are always several veterans out there, taking a break, some of them smoking and some of them wasting some time before their appointments. … [Continue reading]
The CDC gives advice on possible zombie apocalypse
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Besides being a priest, Father Orthoduck is a published medical professional. (No, he is not a physician.) So, he is quite aware of how often people do not pay attention to medical warnings or medical directions. For instance, there is a regular … [Continue reading]
Atheists cash in on possible rapture??
Father Orthoduck read an odd news story today. As many of you know, one group of Evangelicals is forecasting that the Rapture will happen this Saturday, 21 May. The forecast is being strong pushed by Family Radio, which is on radio stations in every … [Continue reading]
Odd astronomical coincidences

Most of us are not aware that groups such as the Chinese, the Arabs, the Mayans, the Aztecs, and the Incas knew significantly more about astronomy long before the Europeans. During the European Dark Ages, the Chinese, the Koreans, the Japanese, the … [Continue reading]
Phronema and American Orthodoxy
Yesterday I mentioned that there are two great streams of Orthodoxy currently, the Russian and the Byzantine. But, even those streams of Orthodoxy have some variation in different countries. Thus, Romanian Orthodoxy has a different but very similar … [Continue reading]
Disney has no sense of shame

Father Orthoduck is rather upset today. Why is he rather upset? Well, please go to the website of the United States Patent and Trademark Office. While there go to the "Trademarks" column and click on option 2, "Search Marks." On the webpage that … [Continue reading]
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