Adventure, pioneering is held in high esteem--because, as a wise reformer on old Earth once said, it keeps the adventurers far away from home. -- Elizabeth Moon. "New World Symphony," Moon Flights. Ed. Marty Halpern. San Francisco: Night Shade Books, … [Continue reading]
Scouting and ghost stories OK, how many of you can remember going on a Boy Scout or Girl Scout or Campfire Girls or Royal Ambassadors campout when you were a child and hearing ghost stories around the campfire? If the tale teller was very good, he or she would have you … [Continue reading]
Synaxarion of Pentecost 2011 Excerpts below are from Holy Transfiguration Monastery: After the Saviour's Ascension into the Heavens, the eleven Apostles and the rest of His disciples, the God-loving women who followed after Him from the beginning, His Mother, the most holy … [Continue reading]
Atheist and tracts
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Father Orthoduck saw this cartoon on another of his favorite bloggers, Orthodixie. He had quite a laugh over it. Then Father Orthoduck looked at it some more and realized that while the cartoon is funny, it actually is not fully truthful. Atheists … [Continue reading]
The heresy of positive thinking · by 7 Comments
Positive thinking in the correct sense is good; no one wants to be around a chronic complainer, but XXXXXXXX’s [name removed by Fr. Orthoduck] idea is far different. He promotes the “pull myself up by my own bootstraps so I can be all that I can be” … [Continue reading]
Don’t you just hate the cult of positive thinking
· by 6 Comments From one of my favorite bloggers comes this video. It is a long one, but, as Pithless Thoughts puts it, this is one of the best critiques of positive thinking that I have seen and heard. It is purely secular and it is 10 minutes long. But, take the … [Continue reading]
Fruit and vegetable harvests lower than expected
I found an article that might interest you, since it looks like your vegetable and fruit prices are going to be going up. Below are a few quotes from the article: Georgia, Alabama, and Utah are the first states to follow in the footsteps of … [Continue reading]
Christians in government in a pluralistic society — part 3
This will be my last piece in a discussion on Christians in government in a pluralistic society. So, let us look back at our founding a moment. Much too much time, paper, and ink have been used on debating whether or not this country was founded as … [Continue reading]
Can Christians be in the judiciary or legislature in a pluralistic society? — part 2
I believe in an America that is officially neither Catholic, Protestant nor Jewish; where no public official either requests or accept instructions on public policy from the Pope, the National Council of Churches or any other ecclesiastical source; … [Continue reading]
Can Catholics be good legislators in a pluralistic democracy?
As a result of the discussion on Catholic Social Doctrine, one of the readers of this blog brought up a question that has been asked before in the history this nation. Can a Roman Catholic be a member of a government in a pluralistic democracy? … [Continue reading]
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