Yesterday we looked at a “devotional” e-mail that was full of bad Scriptural interpretations and junk science, but in the process I quoted from the Book of the Prophet Malachi. However, I did not quote the next verse that followed the verses I quoted earlier. Yesterday I quoted these verses: “I will send my messenger, […]
Refiner’s fire and us
Watch this video to the 2:40 (two minutes forty seconds) mark. You need not watch the rest of it, but you may if you wish. Have you ever received the e-mail below? Malachi 3:3 says: ‘He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver.’ This verse puzzled some women in a Bible study and […]
Too much dang cold in the South
Dagnabit! It has been much too cold here in the Deep South. This Friday it is supposed to drop into the low 20’s, maybe even into the upper teens. Father Orthoduck wonders how one is supposed to go skinny dipping and fishing in this dang weather. Why my feathers are getting chilblains! Seriously, all the […]
A problem as old as Saint Paul and the Corinthians
In 1 Corinthians, Saint Paul has to deal with an out of control church situation, in which almost anything goes, and in which almost any attempt to set limits is seen as limiting freedom from the law. In that epistle, Saint Paul begins to talk about the limits, what must be received, and what must […]
Currently suffering denial of service attacks
The server farm that hosts Orthocuban is currently experiencing DoS (Denial of Service) attacks. Posting will resume when possible.
Speed of change and why end-time prognosticators don’t get it
Father Orthoduck has researched the origins of the above video to try and make sure that it is accurate. It appears to be, although Father Orthoduck must point out that it is a couple of years old and therefore it is out of date. 😯 In the last couple of posts, Father Orthoduck has pointed […]
On news analysis
Yesterday Father Orthoduck commented on how often our interpretation of the Scriptural end times is influenced by our culture, our political beliefs, and our theological beliefs. That is why the Church’s Ecumenical Councils are always multicultural and multi-ethnic. Everything in the Christian life is a mixture of humanity and divinity. We are often quite unaware […]
Signs of the end redux
OK, be honest. How many of you were really really into reading books such as Hal Lindsey’s “The Late Great Planet Earth” and the 20 years later “Left Behind” series. Yes, Father Orthoduck has read both series of books. We engaged in what ended up getting nicknamed as “newspaper exegesis.” What did that term mean? […]
Acts of kindness
Every so often one reads a story that perfectly exemplifies the care and concern that one should have for their fellow human being. I do not know whether the person in the story is a Christan or not, but he has certainly kept the second part of the royal law, to love your neighbor as […]
Take up your cross and follow me
One of the strongest sayings of Our Lord Jesus Christ is, “Then He said to them all, ‘If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake […]
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