Over the last couple of days I have posted some sobering statistics on both divorce and cohabitation in the Bible Belt. To recap, the Southern states of the Bible Belt have the highest divorce rate in the country, the highest cohabitation rate in the country, the highest marriage rate in the country, and the youngest average age […]
Highest cohabitation rates from 2009
Yesterday I published some Census Bureau statistics on divorce rates in the USA in 2009. In them I pointed out that the highest divorce rates in the nation are found in the South, while the Northeast actually has the lowest divorce rate. I pointed out that these statistics show a contradiction between what is proclaimed and […]
Highest divorce rates from 2009
As you all know, the Census Bureau collects many facts and figures throughout the year. They do not all come from those census forms that we fill out once a decade, but rather from openly available public records, surveys, etc. Their reports are often over a year after the data has been collected, but that […]
Worst of sinners — an example
Yesterday I commented on how sometimes the best of saints come from thoroughly sinful stock. Grace abounds to overflowing and overcomes even deadly sin. One need only read the lives of several of the saints in order to realize that. It was the murderer, King David, who wrote Psalm 51, which is recited by every […]
Worst of sinners
One of Saint Paul’s claims is that he was the worst of sinners. Since then he has been followed by a long chain of sinners who have become saints. In fact, more than one writer has commented on how sometimes the best saints come from thoroughly sinful stock. I suspect that it is because of […]
Where there is God, there is no evil
Yesterday I quoted from Saint Seraphim of Sarov. One of the sayings for which he is known is: Where there is God, there is no evil. Everything coming from God is peaceful, healthy and leads a person to the judgment of his own imperfections and humility. I had mentioned two days ago that saints are […]
Some sayings of Saint Seraphim of Sarov
Saint Seraphim of Sarov is one of my favorite saints, so much so that I chose him as my patron saint. Below are some quotes from him: Acquire a peaceful spirit, and around you thousands will be saved. Where there is God, there is no evil. Everything coming from God is peaceful, healthy and leads […]
Honor to whom honor is due
A member of our congregation was buried yesterday. He was both a fireman and had served as a Marine. He also rode a motorcycle, a road hog. He died in an accident while riding his hog. An impressive man, he was one of the few men that could wear a kilt and draw absolutely no depreciating remarks. […]
Starbucks is sponsoring a boycott?????
When I think of Starbucks, frankly I think of silly names for good tasting coffee. Well, I suppose that there is coffee under all the additions that one can order, but sometimes it is hard to tell. I have not had Starbucks coffee for a while. The price is a bit rich for my blood, […]
Picture postcard saints
When I feed the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor are hungry, they call me a communist. — (Archbishop) Dom Helder Camara America needs no words from me to see how your decision in Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation. The so-called right to abortion has pitted […]
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