OK, for all of you trivia fans I have a question. When did Anglicans and Orthodox first meet in the continental United States? Now in order to answer that question, you have to know something of the missionary expansion of the Russian Orthodox Church. Most people vaguely realize that the Russians were in what is […]
How to be a father, correctly!
OK, for all you dads out there, this is the right way to be a loving father. In passing, as you will note in the interview, the Phillies did reward him for what he did. Listen, pay attention, and imitate this guy.
On Darwin and Deism
Much blood has been spilled over Darwin. Debates rage about whether he was a Christian or not. By that I do not mean judgments about his theology or philosophy, but rather whether Darwin thought of himself as a Christian. Quotes are cited back and forth as to whether he “repented” or not of his stance […]
Words have power, maybe, part 03
I started this series answering a question from one of the readers who has been told the same thing that many of us have been told at one time or another. For instance, we get told that we should not take part in the martial arts because back in China or Japan the martial art […]
Words have power, maybe, part 02
Sadly many of our current conservative Christians go significantly too far in the area of the demonic, and begin to believe illogical and contradictory ideas that have more in common with Hollywood than they do with Christian reality. — quote from yesterday’s post. Before I speak about the illogical ideas, let’s take one post to […]
Words have power, maybe, part 01
On one of my recent posts, a person commented: I’ve heard the danger of reading cult literature because “words have power” or something, and that to actually fight spiritual demons would open one to a world of things most people really couldn’t cope with. How can one be sure what is fiction, “truth/partial-truth in story […]
Note on Alzheimer’s from the iMonk
The quote below comes from part of a post by Internet Monk. Went to the post office this morning (I love Saturday mail. Please don’t cancel it) and there was an old friend sitting in his car. His wife was in the PO. Big, strong strapping man. Incredible physical shape for a man in his […]
Needs no commentary
Flannery O’Connor and hell
“It takes two to love. It takes liberty. It takes the right to reject. If there were no hell, we would be like the animals. No hell, no dignity.” Flannery O’Connor, 1959 Mary Flannery O’Connor was a southern writer and a Roman Catholic. She died in 1964 having written two novels and 32 short stories. […]
Sometimes we just simply use bad logic
Recently I posted a comment on someone else’s blog and, in part, received the comment on my comment listed below: With all due respect, the Radical Reformers’ desire to do away with the liturgical aspects of worship probably had more to do with the fact that those using the liturgy were also persecuting the Anabaptists […]
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