For who deceives me once, God forgive him; if twice, God forgive him; but if thrice, God forgive him, but not me, because I could not beware. — 1611 Tarlton’s Jests [English “modernized” to make it readable] Yesterday I pointed out that several events had led to the loss of the concept of truth in […]
Fool me twice . . . rethink your approach to truth
Yesterday I quoted from a book by a priest whom I know. In it he said: Let me submit to you, therefore, that the great spiritual battle of our time is not a struggle between believers and atheists. Rather, it is a struggle between pride and humility. We expect and even demand humility in almost […]
Fool me once . . . read a good book
One of the answers to being fooled by inappropriate theology or by other religions is to read a good book that gives you a quick grounding and compares Orthodoxy to other religious systems. I was actually planning a different post for today, but this book deserves a strong recommendation. Best of all, for those who […]
Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice …
Just yesterday I posted, with permission, an article that documented some of the origins of pre-tribulation rapture theology. I wish the Jesuits had not been mentioned, as they are the whipping boys for every possible Christian conspiracy theory that exists. But, what interests me is one of the answers that I received. The person who […]
21 May 2011, The Rapture did not come — again
[Ed. Note: As of 24 June 2011, the article below has been found to be unreliable. Therefore, I have removed identifying information. Should you wish to read the correction, please go to a later post in my blot. You can find it here.] Well, the time set by Mr. Camping has passed by, and yet […]
Old veterans and gentle wisdom
I work the midnight shift at a VA Medical Center. When I leave in the morning by the emergency room door, there are always several veterans out there, taking a break, some of them smoking and some of them wasting some time before their appointments. As I went out today, I said hello to an […]
Phronema and American Orthodoxy
Yesterday I mentioned that there are two great streams of Orthodoxy currently, the Russian and the Byzantine. But, even those streams of Orthodoxy have some variation in different countries. Thus, Romanian Orthodoxy has a different but very similar phronema to Russian Orthodoxy. And, potentially, in the future there could be additional great streams that make up […]
Missions and Phronema
What does the Greek term “phronema” mean? According to the Wikipedia, “Phronema is a transliteration of [a] Greek word, . . . which has the meanings of ‘mind’, ‘spirit’, ‘thought’, ‘purpose’, ‘will’, and can have either a positive meaning (‘high spirit’, ‘resolution’, ‘pride’) or a bad sense (‘presumption’, ‘arrogance’). . . . The term phronema […]
Missions and difficult transitions
One of the most difficult transitions for a mission to a new area to make is the transition from being a church that looks like a transplant to being a church that culturally fits into the country into which it was planted. What do I mean? Well, you can see the struggle in Scripture and […]
Spotting military fakes
Yesterday, I posted about a pastor who lied about his military service and exemplified how Satan can take an even good man, and little by little seduce him to the dark side. However, for those of you who wonder how one can spot a military phony, there are several websites that will help you find […]
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