Cheap Zolpidem Online The article cited above is conservative woke, for those of you who still think conservatives are for freedom of speech, religion, etc. They are not. Just like the far-left, they want freedom for their speech and the prohibition of the speech of others. They want freedom for their version of religion and prohibition of the religious speech of others. They want freedom for their [fill in the blank] while denying that same freedom to others. In other words, there is no difference between the far-left and the far-right. Both extremes aim to limit freedom of speech, religion, etc., while posing as the heroes of our democracy. Only their speech will be allowed, whether extreme versions of critical-race theory or extreme versions of know-nothingness (look up that movement from the 1800s). Universities have been the battleground for several decades now. In all too many universities, some form of far-left orthodoxy has been de rigueur for those decades. In those universities, conservatives are correct that their professors could not get jobs (including many state universities) or were openly derided by their administration. Conservative students could not voice their opposing views without risking low grades or disciplinary proceedings. But the solution is not the solution currently proposed by the far-right. Instead of strong regulations reining in the far-left academia over-reach, the solution in Florida is to reverse the power balance by doing the same back to the far-left, only even worse. The far-left has never had the formal sanction of law to suppress their opponents in many universities. They had academic and hiring control. But, the far-right now wants to use the sanction of law to wipe out the far-left. This is not better; it is worse.
Where are the true patriots who still believe in freedom of speech, freedom of religion, freedom of the press, etc? I tremble for our future. I am reminded that while God sometimes heals, he sometimes allows us to suffer the consequences of our sins.
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