OK, folks, please quit spreading lies! Make sure you realize that the vast majority of political memés contain one or more lies. Trolls are putting out false Democratic and Republican memés with serious lies embedded in them. Christians are for truth. Do not post a political memé unless you have checked it out and can defend the details.
Gil Conradis of the Florida Institute of Technology, a friend of mine contributed a list of fact-checking organizations that you can use to check out a memé that you have seen on any social media website. This includes editorial cartoonists who are among some of the worst violators of the idea that they should tell the truth. You should use more than one fact-checker to ensure that you have the right story. And, under no circumstance should you take the attitude that because you do not like what a fact-checker says that they are biased. If you take that attitude, you will simply whittle down the fact-checkers until you find one who agrees with you. A list of reliable fact-checkers is below. Again, it is put together by Gil Conradis of FIT.
The following organizations are generally regarded as reputable fact-checking organizations focused on U.S. national news:
Washington Post Fact Checker
Truth be Told
NPR Fact-Check
Lie Detector (Univision, Spanish language)
Hoax Slayer
Respected specialty sites cover niche areas such as climate or celebrities. Here are a few examples:
Climate Feedback
Quote Investigator
There are many fact-checking sites outside the U.S. Here is a small sample:
FactsCan (Canada)
TrudeauMetre (Canada)
El Polígrafo (Mexico)
The Hound (Mexico)
Guardian Reality Check (UK)
BBC Reality Check (UK)
Channel 4 Fact Check (UK)
Full Fact (UK)
Please make sure to use more than one of these organizations before you believe a story as true. Remember, the more a story gets you upset and ready to support your “side”, the more likely that the story has been either exaggerated or fabricated.
You’re welcome
I did not think it appropriate to use your name without permission. So, I kept you anynymous.
Ernesto M. Obregón that’s fine, thank you. You may use my name as I really try to post helpful, truthful items. I usually attribute…
OK, the post has been updated and your name is in it now.
Ernesto M. Obregón I appreciate your posts
I only looked at Politifact and I will just state one of them. Biden said on national TV that he would ban all fracking. Politifact said that this was FALSE since his handlers said after the debate that it was only on public land. It should have been TRUE since that is what he said and his campaign changed it because of politics. I could find multiple ones that were biased.
I would respond on Gil Conradis’s post, but it might be too politic for your site.