Respected specialty sites cover niche areas such as climate or celebrities. Here are a few examples:Climate FeedbackSciCheckQuote Investigator There are many fact-checking sites outside the U.S. Here is a small sample:FactsCan (Canada)TrudeauMetre (Canada)El PolĂgrafo (Mexico)The Hound (Mexico)Guardian Reality Check (UK)BBC Reality Check (UK)Channel 4 Fact Check (UK)Full Fact (UK)
Archives for August 2020
Lowering recidivism
Recidivism and statistics
Thoughts on latest COVID-19 statistics
Leprosy and COVID-19
I am back, somewhat
For those of you who have wondered where I was, my wife and I both contracted COVID-19. We are in recovery and technically post-quarantine. I am just starting to feel like writing and like I have interests that I want to pursue. I hope to have a blog post up soon.