https://ballymenachamber.co.uk/?p=ly8zz81knqp This has been an incredibly unusual Holy Week. It has engendered any of various emotions within me. On the one hand, over the last few weeks, I have learned that I am neither a full extrovert nor a full introvert. I knew that I was not a full extrovert. However, the past several weeks of semi-isolation have shown me that I need human contact. I am pleased to be able to spend several hours a day on myself. At the same time, I am sometimes on the verge of depression and/or a sense of ennui because of my lack of human contact. I definitely exemplify the saying that no man is an island.
https://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/2rpcg495chttps://www.andrewlhicksjrfoundation.org/uncategorized/9nt32c8yw I have a new appreciation for monastics and for the deliberate self-isolation they impose on themselves. During these weeks of semi-isolation, I have spent some time examining myself. I now realize that I do not have what it takes to spend time as a hermit examining myself so as to rid myself of my sins.
https://www.plantillaslago.com/upk2bb4unmI have a new appreciation for the services of Holy Week. I have not been able to attend them, but seeing them on live stream lets me realize that I miss them. I want to be with the Church. I want to be chanting the prayers and the responses. The Church has become important to me in a new way. It is sad that it took the coronavirus to remind me how much the Church is a part of my life.
https://www.salernoformazione.com/qwvpjblhttps://www.plantillaslago.com/av4zbs0qu On a lighter note, I have spent probably too much time reading manga. I knew I liked manga. I did not realize just how much. The other possibility is that I am bored. I should have spent more time studying on other matters rather than relaxing so much.
https://ottawaphotographer.com/hcbk2c6fnhttps://www.tomolpack.com/2025/03/11/4440rzo There is no great conclusion to this post. Only that it has been a time of self-realization.
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