Ambien Buyers In Usa We all know that every culture has practices that leave other cultures scratching their heads. I have lived in several cultures, and understand this quite well. Nevertheless, it must be admitted that the news story below most certainly fits into the category of leaving me incredibly curious as well as confused.
Orthodox controversy about outfitting churches with rest rooms COMMENTARY IN RPTs ABOUT PETITION AGAINST CONSTRUCTION OF TOILETS IN CHURCH BUILDINGS
Zolpidem Tartrate 10 Mg Online RIA Novosti, 10 June 2018
Buy Zolpidem The installation of toilet rooms in territories near churches is today a vital necessity, the chairman of the Department for External Church Relations of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan of Volokolamsk Hilarion, declared on Sunday, commenting on a petition of believers against the construction of toilets immediately within church buildings., on instructions from the Russian Ministry of Construction, new rules were worked out for the planning of church buildings, providing in particular for the placement of toilets immediately within buildings in the vestibules of churches. According to information of the coordinating center “We protect Program-200,” already more than 700 thousand parishioners have affixed their signatures under a petition against construction of toilets in Orthodox church buildings.“As I understand it, the petition is directed against placing toilets inside the buildings of churches. But as regards the construction of toilets in churches, I consider it a vital necessity. And this applies not only to cold countries but also to warm ones,” Metropoitan Hilarion stated on air in the program “Church and World” on television channel Russia-24.
He noted that long worship services are conducted in Orthodox churches, and therefore conditions should be created so that any parishioner, in the event of need, could visit a toilet, “which is not located worlds away and not in some restaurant where he is not admitted if he does not order a cup of coffee,” but “specifically within the church building.” metropolitan added that the need for constructing toilet rooms in churches is also raised because children attend churches. (tr. by PDS, posted 11 June 2018)
Our culture is at the other end of the spectrum. We could not imagine a church building without available toilets on the grounds. We have no problems with state laws that require the provision of toilets on church ground. But, it is obvious that the Russian culture has a different view. It must be said that there are many Russian church buildings that have no parish hall attached, so that the church stands by itself. As the article points out, this would mean that the toilets would have to be built in the vestibule (or foyer). It is perhaps this that is bothering people. But, the article could also be saying that the people would object even if a new toilets building would be built immediately outside, and be connecting with, the church. As I commented, it is not my culture. I do not understand why people would not leap at the idea of having an immediately available bathroom. I can only wonder what the reasoning is. In this case, I am quite happy our culture does believe in having bathrooms easily available to believers. And, I am happy to not critique the Russians for their culture. This is simply an interesting area of difference.
Steve says
Perhaps one reason may be that the Bolsheviks converted many church buildings to secular uses, and in some cases built toilets in the altar area with the intention of offending believers.