Is Buying Ambien Online Illegal I am becoming rather frustrated with those who attack Ivanka Trump. Recently, she has been attacked because she supports the #metoo movement, but snapped back at a reporter who asked her whether she believed the sexual accusations against her father.
Comments have ranged from charging her with hypocrisy because she said that the question was inappropriate to ask a daughter, to claiming that this is why relatives should not be allowed in the White House. The last part of that comment gets me because I was alive when Bobby and Jack Kennedy were in the Executive branch together.
I suspect that the people who are busily bashing her are the same people that would busily bash parents who support a child who has been accused of a crime and refuse to answer a question as to whether their child is guilty. Why is it important to people to try to tear a family apart from the inside? Why must one family member condemn another family member, or otherwise they are equally suspect? In what universe that God created is family love considered to somehow be wrong?
We have become moralistic legalists in this country. Sometimes the morality is this progressive thing that few Christians would recognize as morality, but all too often it is indeed this Christian thing that looks for any violation in order to stone someone (think the woman caught in adultery and DACA children). Thus, finding ways to ask questions to force the other to condemn has become the in thing to do, whether conservative or liberal.
Frankly, were Jesus to come to this country (or even Pope Francis), we would most certainly condemn the one for not condemning the adulteress and condemn the other for saying, “Who am I to judge?” I, for one, am getting rather tired of the got you type of questions asked by both sides of the media. I am tired of the leading questions that presume guilt before innocence. I am tired of Russian bots that exacerbate every situation in order to further divide.
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