The drawing above is for a graphic novel. It reminds me yet again not to take things for granted. We often assume that the most dangerous creature is the one who looks most dangerous. In reality, that is a true statement, most of the time. But, it does not account for any other attributes that the less dangerous may have. For instance, in one of the Indiana Jones movies from several decades ago, the hero faces a formidable looking guard with a massive sword. Unfortunately for the guard, Indiana Jones has a gun. He simply draws it, shoots the massive guard, and kills him. In this case, he had the attribute of being armed. the same way, the girl above obviously has some hidden attributes. And, whatever they are, those attributes are strong enough that she stands looking at this incredibly dangerous creature with no fear. In fact, her father tells her to quit playing with the food. The assumption is that the creature is already dead, though the creature does not know it. It is food. It is not even dangerous enough for the father to warn the daughter to be cautious. Since the creature is labeled as food, this means that the teenaged girl has some incredible hidden powers, as well as some rather gross eating habits. It is also a warning to us to never underestimate an opponent. As Christians, it is a good warning to us to not consider a temptation to be small and weak, and something we can easily overcome. It is the very self-pride that says to us that we can overcome that small a temptation that may lead us to underestimate the power of that temptation in our lives. Just a puff or two. Just a quick glance. Just a rapid visit. None of those can really harm us. Next thing we know, we are food for the devil and have been snapped up into some addiction or other. Never underestimate.
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