I have noticed that it is getting longer and longer between posts. I am not sure whether this reflects how busy I am or whether this reflects the fact that talk means nothing nowadays.
We live in a world in which a foreign power can insinuate itself into the halls of power of both political parties. There are/have been deliberate attempts to set this country fighting against itself. False news is fed both to conservative and liberal. Paid trolls are planted to call into disrepute any individual, group, or organization that begins to say that what is being heard lacks a certain amount of logic. Thus, regardless of the amount of information gathered, the troll army descends on anyone, conservative or liberal, who points out the fallacies in the fake news stories. In fact, the biggest success of the troll army has been in destabilizing all fact-checking organizations, regardless of supposed political leanings. How have they accomplished this? First, and most successfully, they have played into people’s biases to convince them that the fact-checking organizations are biased, either toward the liberal or toward the conservative side. In this last election, it was more successful to paint fact-checking organizations as liberal. Thus Snopes, Politifact, Morning Joe, etc., were all labeled as either liberal or part of the Establishment. That tactic is still a successful and ongoing tactic. The fights you see that are led by the Bannon organization are all predicated on labeling any who disagree with him as being part of the toxic Establishment or even as part of the Deep State. Those fights were not near as successful prior to this election, in which the troll army successfully established the prior Deep State conspiracy theory as a reality rather than as a conspiracy theory., they have successfully turned American against American. Strong disagreements have always been a part of American political life. Only during the Civil War era did those disagreements turn so toxic as to result in an attempt to self-annihilate. But, Russia successfully gained entrance into both the Democratic and Republican camps. Their campaign of disinformation was incredibly successful. What is most distressing nowadays is that we have seen the tactic, and yet continue to speak as though one or the other party is more guilty rather than admitting that both parties were successfully coerced. I understand. It is simpler to claim that the party that is not your party was successfully coerced, but your party was not. That insulates you from the need to perform any self-analysis as to how deep the seduction penetrated your ranks.
Buy Cheap Zolpidem Uk Third, they have successfully communicated the idea that one must be loyal to one’s political beliefs to the point that one is unwilling to engage in reasonable rational debate with those who disagree with you. In accomplishing this, the troll army consummated their strategy of division. Thus, the factions are kept eternally warring, which means eternally stalemated and unable to stop those who oppose the USA from expanding their area of influence. All in all, a very cogent plan.
Order Ambien CanadaFor my part, I used to receive multiple comments on each and every post, until the troll army took over. Now, I receive almost no posts. Those who dislike various of my conclusions no longer sign on to read. Those who agree do not discuss, but rather post a simple “Like” or some other innocuous comment which does not lead to discussion.
So my lack of posting. It is difficult to post when a foreign power has successfully coerced the discussion and when those who actually read this blog will not comment short rational discussion statements that can be reasonable answered. I have grown incredibly tired of having drunk the Kool-Aid when I can see the stains on their lips.
Dale Crakes says 0.5Mg Buy Online The internet in just about any of its formats does not lead to rational civil discourse. Even an email can be misinterpreted. It’s basically just good for the exchange of scholarly papers or articles or lets get together next Thursday after work type emails. I am not a Facebook, twitter, twaddle or whatever partaker. Occasionally I find some interesting or informative Youtube presentations or I guess music streaming is good if you’ve got good speakers. The digitizing of out of print and or copyright books, journal articles,etc is also helpful. Unless one sticks to pretty arcane (not mysterious) subjects the comments, even if at first thoughtful, usually become less than enlightening. One wonders why people don’t do a little research. I’ve got about 30 or 40 sites which I scan for news but rarely get involved in commenting.
Caitilin Kane says I don’t think you can stop being the voice crying in the wilderness, even when you’re a prophet who receives no honor in your own country. Those of us who read your posts and agree may not respond here, but may be living out your suggestions elsewhere. I know that, living where I do, I am constantly having to interact with those whose belief often differ substantially from my own, particularly in the political realm, and yet I do engage and try to speak peaceably to and with those who are willing to reciprocate. I value your words, and always find them apt and pithy. It would be a loss if you were to stop posting.
Dale Crakes says
I agree with Gaitlin Kane. Keep on pushin Fr.