Eight years and one month ago I published a blog post about the unavailability of clergy shirts in a guayabera design. I pointed out that clergy shirts in Panama design were available but that, sadly, no guayaberas were available. Well, I am now happy to report that clerical guayabera shirts are available. So, those of us from a Latino culture now have a place to buy a clergy shirt that matches our cultural background. I am quite happy about that. I know that there are also non-Latinos who like a guayabera, well this is your opportunity to try them out at a very reasonable price. I am quite excited and only hope that they make a guayabera in a short, fat, size. If you are interested go to the site of My Cuban Store. Click here and you will get there.
I will buy one myself and tell you how it goes.
What company sells the guayabera clergy shirt
How did you like the shirt?
Hello Sr, Please visit the page and see how this Clergy Guayabera Shirthas more than 10 reviews averaging 5 stars.