I like the meme above. “What if I told you, you can be against police murdering citizens and citizens murdering police at the same time.” Reading the current political compost, one would be convinced that one must either support the police or the demonstrators. Not surprisingly, this is actually a very contradictory attitude. Why is it contradictory? Well, that is brought out in the meme above. Murder is murder, regardless of who commits it. The problem is that both sides are ignoring one facet or another, to the detriment of their position. Those who unequivocally defend law enforcement officers (LEOs), conveniently ignore the amount of confirmed information that too many LEOs abuse their power and authority, and that too many innocent people have gone to jail due to deliberate prosecutorial and LEO misbehavior. Even worse, you choose to ignore LEO murders by classifying all the dead as criminals. You cannot continue to declare all LEOs heroes. Nor does posting material about how LEOs put themselves in harm’s way excuse the violation of the law and the moral evil of putting innocent people in jail by compromising evidence and failure to follow the law give you the moral high ground to declare that all who are confronted with a LEO should instantly obey regardless of the violation of their rights. When Bundy opposed Federal law with the support of openly armed militia groups, you cheered rather than siding the LEOs. That is hypocrisy and immorality. Worse, you refuse to recognize that every statistic collected regularly shows that the rates of stops, arrests, and criminal charges of minority citizens is significantly higher than that of white citizens. You hide behind a mistaken moral firewall when you say that it is simply because they commit more crimes. Those who unequivocally support those who are killed or are beat up ignore the fact that LEOs really do stop criminals. There really are people who charge at LEOs and have to be taken down in one way or another. Being a LEO is part of God’s plan, according to Romans 13. You cannot treat LEOs as though all were guilty or as though they were not needed. To do that is dishonesty and, frankly, stupidity. LEOs have a point when they argue that they work a dangerous job in which split seconds can mean the difference between life and death. You need to recognize that not every stop is an example of discrimination. Not every cop is mistaken when they take precautions if they suspect any malfeasance. While that does not excuse LEO laziness, it also supports the idea that many times LEOs pull their guns out in a legally correct way. Price For Ambien The reality is that we need to recognize that both sides break the law many times rather than follow it. We need to recognize patterns. One side needs to recognize that there is a major problem with LEO honesty across the USA. It is not merely the result of a few loose canons. The other side needs to recognize that LEOs are a godly means to preserve societies and to restrain lawlessness. Many LEOs are honest men and women who are simply carrying out their job. The meme above is where I reside and where I believe many need to reside. You can be against both LEOs who murder and citizens who murder. Both are wrong and need to be dealt with in an appropriate fashion. And, where LEOs are shown to be criminal, we need to join the demonstration in order to show the full anger of the citizens whose lives are constantly being wronged.
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