Yes, the Simpsons actually had the Orthodox Church in one of their episodes. And, they actually had it correct that year. This year is just like the year on which the Simpsons showed that particular episode. The West and a couple of the Orthodox Churches (Finland, etc.) are celebrating Easter (Pascha) this Sunday. In some school districts, children were off today because it is Good Friday. But, for the Orthodox, this is Palm Sunday. Now, you may want to know why it is so. I would enjoy enjoy entering into a whole explanation of the differences in calendar dates. But, frankly, Fr. Andrew Stephen Damick has done such an excellent job in explaining the historical differences that I will just post a link to his article.
We have various urban legends about the differences in dates. Fr. Andrew corrects them all. In passing, I would frankly recommend that you read anything written by Fr. Andrew. It is a worthwhile read.
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