I am a Doctor Who fan. I must say, however, that I am not yet impressed with the current Doctor Who. At this point, he does not appear to have the charisma of previous Doctor Who actors. He is doubtful about himself. He does not really carry himself with the panache and confidence of previous actors who played the role. He comes across as a middle-aged man in the midst of an identity crisis. I am hoping that he improves during future episodes. If he does not, then I hope that he becomes one of the shortest serving Doctors before regeneration. In comparison, his traveling companion seems a little lost in how to handle this new Doctor Who. At least by the second episode, she appears to have regained her composure and is behaving like the character she portrayed last season. If this keeps up, I am going to start hoping that she becomes the first Doctor Who companion that ends up serving three Doctors., as we await further developments, I leave you with the following Doctor Who quotes:
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Tokah says the moment, I am choosing to attribute it to the effect of having been granted extra regenerations. The Master seems over his history of gettting regenerations beyond the base amount to have become crazier, so it isn’t an unrealistic idea.