I am always amazed at how “Jesus went out among the people” is used to justify any action that a pastor wants to take. Next on the list of reasoning of this type is that the “wind of the Holy Spirit” is bringing change. Next on the list of reasoning is a supposed rejection of “dead tradition.”
We are extremely creative at finding reasons why we can do something that goes against the grain. Is is especially helpful if we announce that to the local TV station so that they can come and film us being non-traditional or even controversial. It proves we are being “prophetic” and/or “evangelistic.”, most of the time it is being self-aggrandizing. The reporter asked a great question in the video above. She asked one of the pastors why do these drive-by ashes when Lent is supposed to be a time to slow down, spend more time at church, and consider higher things. He did not have a great answer and you can tell that he was actually a little surprised at the question. Me, I think the reporter may have been the only one who had a little bit of Holy Spirit inspiration to ask just the right question at just the right time. [NOTE: You may have to watch another news story before it gets to the Ash Wednesday story.]
Bruce Kirkpatrick says Fr. Obregon echoes my own thoughts on this. You can choose the clip on Drive-thru blessings or another clip on “outraged” folks who are angry the Pope does not think their way.