One of the most popular posts on this blog is Why do the Orthodox not use instruments. It was posted nearly five years ago, and still keeps coming up. I have had various comments on the subject, including the challenge that instruments are mentioned in the Old Testament, therefore, how can they be not used, […]
Archives for February 2014
Valentine’s Day humor 2014 · by 2 Comments The history of Saint Valentine is somewhat shrouded in history. In fact Valentinus was a common enough name that there are at least three different Saint Valentines, one of them a bishop. Generally, the one that has to do with February 14 is Saint Valentine of Rome in the third century, during the reign of […]
When extremes clash
From a published article: TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Jordan Bennett was suspended from his central Florida public school last year for playing cops and robbers. The 8-year-old’s crime? Using his thumb and forefinger to mimic a gun. … In the last 12 months, a seventh-grader in Rhode Island was suspended over a miniature toy gun keychain […]
Ah, fatherhood!
Holiness and Apologetics From Quora Atheism: If Jesus’s existence is claimed to be a fact and so are his supposed miracles, why do you, as an atheist, still choose not to believe in him? XXXXXX still struck speechless by a starlit sky Votes by [names edited out] If Mohammed’s existence is a fact and so are his teachings, […]
Photoshop musings This will be real short tonight. The photo above comes from a website that shows just how much changing one can do on a human face, or a human body, simply by using Photoshop. My favorite one was the one above, in which a person who looks like he has seen the hard side of […]
Wow, a sin map
· by 3 Comments
Internet myths and truth
· by Leave a Comment By now, all of us are aware that you can find many false claims on the Internet. Yet, at one time or another, we have all been taken in by an Internet myth, by both print stories and by video stories. Why is this so? Well, there are several reasons: Let’s face it. Incredible things […]
Feast of the Presentation 2014 Lord, now lettest thou thy servant depart in peace according to thy word. For mine eyes have seen thy salvation, Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people; To be a light to lighten the Gentiles and to be the glory of thy people Israel. This past Sunday was the Feast of the […]