There is a “performer” whose stage name is Tia Tequila. She is best known for, uhm, well really, for not much. She is close to being in the same class as other reality show stars who are famous mostly for being famous. However, back in 2007, she raised the ire of many by hosting a reality show on MTV that pushed some lines:
Order Ambien From Canada MTV has given the green light for a new reality show starring a bisexual woman dubbed "the Madonna of MySpace." A Shot at Love with Tila Tequila" is another dating competition series but with a controversial twist. The competitors vying for internet sensation Tila Tequila, a 25-year-old entertainer whose real last name is Nguyen, are 16 straight men and 16 lesbians. The 32 “suitors” will live in Tila’s house and compete to impress her as the competition narrows each week. Buy Uk "The show is a roller-coaster ride of drama, conflict and emotion, busting stereotypes and challenging the norm," said MTV executive Tony DiSanto, according to Reuters. MTV is one of the most watched networks by teens and its staggering levels sexual imagery, foul language and violence already have parents and evangelicals concerned.
Order Zolpidem Online Uk It should be noted that Tia Tequila was born in Singapore of Vietnamese parents and is a citizen of the USA. She runs a couple of blogs, besides being on every possible communication media there is. One of her blogs is a “truth” oriented blog, and it is that blog that has left me scratching my head. In one of her latest posts she writes: Zolpidem Tartrate Online This has been a long time coming. Let us be free of this myth and these lies that keeps us all bounded to slavery and ruled by a bunch of treacherous zionists!
Clonazepam For Panic Attacks“The obsessive invocation of the cabalistic fable of “6,000,000 dead or dying Jews” dating back at least four decades prior to the events of WWII directly undermines and betrays the notion that 6,000,000 Jews perished in Europe between 1939-1945, as Jews have claimed. It was a lie the first time, and it is a lie today! The Gentile populations of the West have, for decades, been inundated and inoculated with an endless onslaught of holocaust-themed Hollywood movies, television shows, “docudramas”, books and memoirs; in conjunction with mandatory “holocaust education” in schools across North America and Europe. The primary function of this insidious global propaganda campaign is to — quite simply — brainwash non-Jews into a state of abject fear and paralysis while we are ideologically, economically and physically enslaved by the Jewish tribe. … There is much more said, but I think the quote above is enough. The second and third paragraphs of her rant come were not written by her but come from and anti-Jewish website. Suffice it to say that the article goes on to say that Hitler was beset by Jewish-controlled Europe because he decided to print his own currency and not rely on European-supported currencies, thereby imperiling Jewish bankers. The Second World War was a war of self-defense by Germany, and the declaration of Jews begin declared as enemies of the state was justified because they were supposedly so. And so on and so on … I bring this up for a couple of reasons. One of them is to comment on the blindness that leads to Holocaust denial. It is part and parcel of the same blindness that afflicts those who re-interpret history and science over and over again until they drive it into whatever mold best fits what they want to believe. It can be done, but it can only be done by taking the less likely interpretation of each and every bit of data that has to do with the bit of history you are trying to change. In this case, taking the road less traveled means nothing more than bad interpretations.
Can U Buy Ambien OnlineAmbien Uk Buy The second reason is to point out what happens when skepticism is uncontrolled. Here, I mean not simply those who make claims to being skeptical, in the sense of doubting data, but in the sense of those who are skeptical without logical basis. For instance, let me cite someone from a different type of skepticism. You can see it in Charles Dickens’ book, A Christmas Carol. When Scrooge is first talking to Marley, he says to Marley that he could be nothing more than a bit of bad food causing a dream. Faced with clear evidence to the contrary, Scrooge chose to take the least likely explanation. When skepticism is uncontrolled, you can end up believing anything, and, like one of the characters in C.S. Lewis’ book, That Hideous Strength, you can even end up committing suicide while convinced that any little voice screaming inside you must be put down as being quite wrong. When logic is used to support illogic, logic itself is destroyed and only illogic survives.
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