For you lovers of Dr. Who, the above photograph is of a character named Jenny. She is Dr. Who’s daughter in the episode from the Tenth Doctor called, “The Doctor’s Daughter.” But, here is a spot of trivia for you.
The real life name of Jenny is Georgia Moffett. She is the real life daughter of the man who played the Fifth Doctor (1982-1984), the actor Peter Davison. She wanted to audition for the role of Rose Tyler in 2004, but at the time the producers thought she was too young. She was eventually allowed on the show for the first time for this episode. The actor who played the Tenth Doctor is David Tennant. Apparently the meeting and the episode went well because they are now David & Georgia Tennant and have two children.
This means that the daughter of The Doctor married The Doctor. I guess this means that Doctor Who is right when he keeps saying that time is higgledy-piggledy.
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