You can find the original of the article here. It is your typical science article about a photograph taken by the Cassini spacecraft as it orbits Saturn. The article is actually about the tiny moon, the rings, how Saturn’s moons pass by each other, etc. The point that is being made by the article are the unseen things that we can pass right by in a photograph if we do not have an experienced eye and look carefully.
So, the author carefully points out how the smaller moon is oval if you look at it close. The reason it is oval is because the tremendous gravitational pull of the planet Saturn is so strong that it has stretched the moon from round to oval through the strong tidal forces that Saturn exerts.
Me, I looked at the bigger moon and wondered how a Death Star had made it into our solar system. Now, I am rather hoping that that President Obama and other world leaders are in a secret process to form the United Federation of Sentient Planets in order to combat the Imperial hordes.
Of course, I could simply be misunderstanding the photograph.
It looks like the Death Star from Star Wars. 🙂