In this day in which we often hear negative comments about religion, it is good that NPR noted that in the classical music circuit, two of the top album recordings are by nuns. Yes, we live in a confused culture. On the one hand, many of our moral behaviors appear to be going more and more in the wrong direction. At the same time, there are also signs that not everyone is going by the broad path. There are many who have chosen and continue to choose the narrow road to salvation. Enjoy the human interest story above., music, and the narrow road
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I, for one, am ecstatic to hear this! I can’t begin to describe the beauty of hearing this type of chant/singing-especially within the cathedral where it is meant to be heard. One of my most precious memories of Italy was when I sat in a Benedictine church in Florence, listening to a service (I don’t know which one-I’m not Catholic) that was chanted. I sat in the pew with tears streaming down my face (actually, that happened alot in Italy) and felt the presence of God. I bought a CD of chant by Benedictine monks and I listen to it alot…whenever I really need to feel Jesus near. I will be buying these too. Thank you for posting this!