I must admit to being somewhat flabbergasted when I saw this video of a clergy fashion show in England. Mind you, the Orthodox do like their bright colors and designs, and Orthodox clergy clothing supply stores do post photographs of men wearing available clergy clothing. But, somehow, handling the promotion of clergy clothing in this fashion seems to rather trivialize the fact that these vestments, when blessed, will become holy unto the Lord.
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But, I think what threw me over the line into from flabbergasted to aghast was the photograph of the sweet young thing in the flat heel pumps and miniskirt modeling the latest fashionable version of a clergy shirt for women. It most clearly changes the focus from being set apart for service unto the Lord into being an up-to-date compliant part of the current culture. do not believe that our clergy need to look like monks. None of the jurisdictions require that. In fact, at least one jurisdiction forbids you from “dressing” like monastic clergy unless you are indeed a monastic. But, they certainly do require a mode of daily dress that makes it clear to even the nominal or non-Christian that the person wearing the clergy outfit is of a sober mindset and somehow set apart. Cr 12.5 Online I do not think the above fashion show quite catches the spirit of that injunction.
Sorry guys, this was the first thing that came to mind when I saw that headline.
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Gregory Ned Blevins says
Crazy Brits….