Yesterday a friend, Fr. Peter Gillquist was buried. I was not able to go to his funeral. He was a great writer. In his honor I am posting a video that was recorded of a talk he gave back in 2001. It is an hour long so if you watch it, make sure to set aside some time.
Rebecca says
Order Clonazepam With Fast DeliveryGeneric Ambien Cr Online May his memory be eternal! He was hugely important to my own journey and has helped my grandmother and mother understand I’m not in some crazy cult. Last year, he spoke at a retreat at my parish and both my grandmother and mother came. My grandma will tell everyone that listens he gave the best sermon on heaven she’s ever heard. She told him she wanted him to preach her funeral 🙂 (She’s Baptist).
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Art Casci says I was sorry to hear of Peter’s passing. It takes me right back to Grace Haven Days. I always looked forward to him preaching but also to his guitar and singing. Much changed after those days but listening to hims speak, I do not hear something radically different. His message here recorded is simple enough for a child to understand. I did not get through it all but I am trusting there were no big surprises.