From the Department of Religious Education of the Greek Orthodox Church: Purchase The gift of God’s forgiveness is received through private prayer, corporate worship, the disciplines of prayer and fasting, penitential services and above all through the sacrament of Holy Confession.
Buy Zolpidem Overnight We are a people who believe in Holy Confession. We encourage people to go to Holy Confession. We know that God meets us in a very special way to heal us and give us the strength to go on in the mystery of Holy Confession. But, we also have a God who wishes to forgive us and heal us. And so, it is not surprising that he also chooses to forgive us and heal us as we pray as we worship as we fast and as we attend the penitential services. I find that very encouraging because there are days when I most particularly feel in need of forgiveness or in need of healing. So, I do not have a big or deep or complex theological point today. But, I do have the assurance of a God who keeps finding ways to forgive me and heal me and change me more and more into his likeness. Many days that is enough and more than enough.
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