Ambien Cr Order Online The story line on 9 Chickweed Lane continues. Unplanned pregnancies, particularly when the woman is left alone are difficult. But for many of those ladies, years later they look back and wonder how they could ever not have wanted the child who is now grown. Yes, I do realize the pain and hardship of being a single mother. My mother was widowed when I was seven and my sister was four. I know how hard she worked, back in the days when there were few, if any, government programs that would help in any substantial way. I know that some women crack under the strain. I know all that. But … look again at the comic above. ‘Nuff said.
Ironic that the person who flippantly dismisses biblical teachings uses a word meaning “before the flood.” I know that people have tough decisions.
Buy Ambien OnlineMy wife was pregnant when we were both 16.
Abortion was illegal at the time, as it should be now, but there were ways to get that done if you wanted to and not in some back alley but in a doctor’s office. Probably safer than the abortion mills of today.
Regardless of where you stand on this issue you nor anyone else cannot say with 100% certainty that you are not killing a child.
It’s the reason I now oppose the death penalty.
No way to be 100% certain.