Recently federal agents arrested four senior citizens in Georgia who used a Waffle House to plan terrorism against the USA. It appears that they were talking about how it was time to protect the USA against them there liberals and other troublemakers.
Buy Zolpidem Canada While I agree that federal agents had to arrest them as a precautionary move, somehow I doubt that their plan would have amounted to anything other than four old coots complaining while having breakfast. But, it does bring to mind that people have been arguing that 60 is the new 30 in the sense that our current seniors (of whom I am one) are not really senior anymore. That is, today’s over 60’s are very active in comparison with over 60’s from prior generations.
But somehow I think that these were really and truly just simply four old coots. Maybe the prosecutors should release them to their kids under a promise that the kids would watch over them. lmao
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