Whatever you may think about Garry Trudeau’s politics, he has been a great supporter of those currently serving in the Armed Forces and of veterans. In the comic above he brings up one of the services provided by the VA. Actually, this is only the latest time that he has brought up vet centers. Previously he followed one of his main characters who had served in Viet Nam and returned to fight in Iraq. There he lost a leg to an IED. Mr. Trudeau did a very compassionate and tender series of stories that showed how the character coped with the loss, learned to deal with it, and is now living a successful life. He has also followed a woman veteran, a veteran who lost an eye but ended up falling in love, a veteran with PTSD, etc. In every one of these story arcs, he has refrained from making overt political comments and simply concentrated on what it is to heal from these various happenings. Yes, at times the veterans have made bitter comments, but working for the VA, I can tell you that these are accurate reflections of the things that veterans will say as they learn to work with whatever their new reality is. Sometimes it takes a very long time to learn to work with it. So, what is a Vet Center? Well let me post some excerpts from the VA website on Vet Centers. I have deliberately not posted the links that are mentioned. I would rather have any veteran in need go directly to the site.
Our Centers offer a wide range of services to help you make a successful transition from military to civilian life. You’ve earned these benefits and there is no cost to you or your family members. Services include –
- individual & group counseling
- marital and family counseling
- bereavement counseling
- medical & benefits referrals
- employment counseling
- More Services…
Buy Ambien From Canada Over 10% of combat OEF / OIF Veterans are women and over 40% of Vet Center staff are women, allowing us to offer transition assistance, including military sexual trauma. … By the end of 2011, there will be 300 Vet Centers across the US and surrounding territories (US Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, Guam, and American Samoa). Click the map to find one near you or to speak confidentially with a Vet Center Counselor at any time around the clock call: 877-WAR-VETS(927-8387)
Our Vet Centers do not receive all the pats on the back that they deserve. There are some men and women working for them and volunteering there who are doing some good, quiet, and very confidential work. In passing, if you are a veteran and you find that there is still some residue from some of what you experienced, please do not hesitate to call the number above. Welcome home!
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