Discount Ambien Online When I think of Starbucks, frankly I think of silly names for good tasting coffee. Well, I suppose that there is coffee under all the additions that one can order, but sometimes it is hard to tell. I have not had Starbucks coffee for a while. The price is a bit rich for my blood, and the calories are rather high. Now, there is a new version of Starbucks out, a political Starbucks. Would you believe that they are sponsoring a boycott? And it is a most interesting boycott. Read below:
Starbucks claimed Wednesday that it has rallied “hundreds” of people in support of a call by CEO Howard Schultz to suspend campaign contributions to Congress and the president until Washington produces a long-term deficit reduction plan.
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Buy Zolpidem Overnight Delivery “This effort is not concerned with helping or hurting one party or another – it’s about applying pressure on all those now in office to compromise for the good of the country,” he wrote in a memo Monday. …
Not many have gone on record in support of the call yet. NASDAQ CEO Bob Greifeld backed up Starbucks on Monday, writing in a note that Schultz “can count on me.”
Buying Generic Ambien Online “Until our elected officials show the leadership that all of us not only expect but deserve, it is time for us to stand firm and demand more from them,” he wrote in a letter to member companies. Duncan Niederauer, head of the New York Stock Exchange, also forwarded Schultz’ appeal to thousands of CEOs on Monday.
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Ambien Cr Generic Online It is an interesting move by a company CEO, since businesses like Starbucks usually depend on the goodwill of everyone. But, I think it is a sign of the anger of the general population with the mess in Washington. I notice that his attitude is that of a pox on both of your houses. I suspect that he reflects an attitude held by a very large part of this country. I suspect so because I have already had forwarded to me several times an email that proposes that Congress should not be paid until they pass a budget plan.
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