One of the compassionate works that I keep up with is St. John the Compassionate Mission in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. They are engaged in God’s work in many areas as part of the Carpatho Russian jurisdiction in Canada. They feed the poor, but they train as well. For instance, they run St. John’s Bakery, a place where the homeless and needy can work. They have St. John’s Academy, where at-risk youth in grades 6 to 10 receive special tutoring to make sure that they graduate and know how to enter society in a productive way. St. Xenia house is subsidized housing in which the Church partners with those who otherwise would be homeless, but can contribute part of the costs. I could go on, for they have additional ministries. But, they also reach out to those of us who are not poor but wish to learn more about the Church and the poor. So, they run the Lived Theology School, whose patron saint is Saint Mary of Paris. Metropolitan Nicholas has blessed that school and commented, “What the Church needs is not more professors, but more confessors!” This is a place where you can go to learn and work, and then take that back with you to your home community or to wherever God sends you. However, we all know that with the economic problems that North America is suffering, the amount of money going to compassionate works is decreasing. Today I received an urgent appeal from them. They are running critically short of food and non-perishable food items. So, I urge you to consider making at least a one time gift to them. Consider even more becoming part of their donor base. Some of you may need to consider going to the Lived Theology School to do some studies. But, the need right now is food and food NOW. You can go see their website at Sleeping Pills Zolpidem Buy St. John the Compassionate mission
155 Broadview Avenue
Toronto, Ontario M4M 2E9
Tel: 416-466-1357 Fax: 416-466-3517
Rachel says
Buying Generic Ambien Online Delivery Ambien Online I have personally been to St. John the Compassionate Mission on a mission trip by the Jr. ACRY as a past president (My home parish is in NJ and a part of the Carpatho-Rusyn Orthodox Diocese of America) and I can say that the work they do there is incredible. Any help that can be given to this worthy cause I KNOW will be appreciated more than words can describe. By donating money and/or time, you are helping people to be the best version of themselves that they can be. Please keep those who run the Mission as well as all of those who utilize its resources in your prayers. I am hopefully going to be able to make a return trip to the mission sometime soon!