During Lent we are called to fast not simply for our spiritual health, but also in order to save money that can be given to the poor. But, we have to actually give to the poor. It is no good simply feeling bad about the poor. And, please, do NOT just click on a Facebook page. Father Orthoduck has bad news for you. Clicking on a Facebook page may get Betty White on Saturday Night Live, but it does absolutely nothing for the poor.
https://transculturalexchange.org/3vlycw8r So, Father Orthoduck recommends that you look around. Is there a reliable local charity to which you can give? If not, Father Orthoduck recommends the International Orthodox Christian Charities found at http://www.iocc.org/. Please give today and give well.
Betty Lea Cyrus says
Viagra Xanax Online I recently gave to World Vision b/c they’re ministry is mostly to families with children and they already had a presence in Japan…but I also give to many local charities. We need to step up and be generous during these bad times….I am blessed so that I may bless others.
https://udaan.org/8yqfqc8ds0r.php Headless Unicorn Guy says
I just had to put four figures into emergency plumbing repairs. The interior of my basement is pretty torn up. How about me steering the drywall replacement/repairs to a guy I know who needs the work?
https://www.clawscustomboxes.com/j8hgdyee9h Fr. Orthoduck says
https://nedediciones.com/uncategorized/f0q88mi72z That is an excellent solution! Though, I hated to read about the problems you were having.