A person commented the following on my post yesterday: You know, the more I read and learn concerning Orthodox theology, the more I see an acceptance of paradox that even exceeds my native Lutheranism. My reply is that it has more to do with the idea of mystery, but rather than try to explain it […]
Archives for December 2010
Free will and salvation
· by 6 Comments I quoted both Patriarch Dositheus and Metropolitan Kallistos yesterday to point out to my Orthodox brethren that some of them go to the other extreme from Saint Augustine and almost end up claiming that our free will was, at best, barely damaged. But, both an approved Orthodox confession and a current Metropolitan who is a […]
Free will is not simply a philosophical definition
Can You Buy Ambien Online Legally If you remember my first posting two days ago, I commented that I had a problem with some of my fellow Orthodox. It is in that vein that I continue the discussion. Some of my fellow Orthodox react so strongly to Augustinianism, and its derivative Calvinism, that they go to the point of going to […]
Chart comparing Stewart/Colbert with Glenn Beck · by Leave a Comment
Father Ernesto had a very busy day yesterday. He apologizes for not posting his planned second post on being fallen and damaged. Meantime, Father Orthoduck is posting below a graph that compares attendance, tweets, etc., between the Stewart/Colbert rally and the Glenn Beck rally that took place right before the November election. No, Father Orthoduck […]
We are fallen and damaged We Orthodox often do not take seriously enough what it means that we are fallen and damaged. It is true that we do not believe in various forms of total depravity. However, all too often we react against extreme forms of total depravity by going to the other extreme and almost denying that we are […]
Proof that USA Marines never retire
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Some of you have suggested that I am exaggerating when I say that a US Marine never retires, they are simply not currently on active duty. The story below is evidence that what I have said is true. I only quoted part of the story, I recommend that you read the full story. Hmm, btw, […]
Some guardian angels look a little different
This is a small “shout out” to those who are Marines, Semper Fi. And, as we all know, there is no such thing as a retired Marine, there are only Marines who are not currently on active duty. No, I am not going to say that the Marines are guardian angels. I have known enough […]
March for Life, 24 January 2011
The announcement quoted below speaks for itself. Please go if you can: WASHINGTON, DC [OCA] — Orthodox Christians everywhere — especially those within driving distance of the US capital — are being encouraged to bear witness to their faith at the annual March for Life on Monday, January 24, 2011. As in years past, His […]
Joan of Arc and post-schism Christianity
A Roman Catholic saint that is not often remembered nowadays is Joan of Arc. She dates to just before the Protestant Reformation. She is considered a national heroine of France, but is a most odd saint. The story is as follows: Saint Joan of Arc or The Maid of OrlĂ©ans (French: Jeanne d’Arc, ca. 1412 […]
How to speak Christianese – a funny video
Father Orthoduck got quite a laugh out of the video above. Sadly, it does point out how often we Christians do tend to use “in” language that actually can confuse people who are coming into the faith. We Orthodox have our own share of “in” language. Father Orthoduck is not against people coming into Orthodoxy […]