Father Ernesto is taking a one-day break from posting. This is because Father Orthoduck wishes to speak to you.
Zolpidem Buy Online Uk Father Orthoduck knows that you hear this over and over, but Advent going into Christmas is a season of giving. But, it is not simply a season to give to those you know and who love you. To paraphrase Our Lord Jesus Christ, even the Gentiles do that. No, this is a season to give to those you do not know and may never know. Father Orthoduck is actually not talking about money, but talking about giving your time to bring joy to others. And, there are multiple ways to do that. Yesterday, the somewhat emotional Father Orthoduck became somewhat emotional again. He went Christmas caroling with people from his area at the VA Medical Center where he works. They all went caroling to the different wards where veterans are who will not be able to be home for Christmas. Particularly for those veterans (and for those on active duty serving far from home) this can be a difficult time. But, what Father Orthoduck did not expect was that the nurses also would begin smiling, and some even singing along with the carols. We sang a mixture of Christian and secular carols, everything from The First Nöel to Frosty the Snowman. We had some patients come out of their rooms to watch us. Others could only lie in their beds. It was as we were going through the hospice section that Father Orthoduck realized that his throat had begun to tighten up and that he had to keep a tight control on his voice (and his eyes, weepy Saint Nicholas’ helpers do not help to spread joy). These are the people who are celebrating their last Christmas on earth and a couple of them were alone, except for those faithful nurses, aides, chaplains, etc., who are standing their last watch with them. We continued through the rest of the hospital with Father Orthoduck’s throat continuing to trouble him. The patients, nurses, the aides, the chaplains, the relatives, all were so glad to see us and would thank us profusely. Finally we finished and returned to our area, and Father Orthoduck took several deep breaths and offered up a silent prayer for those in the hospital, the earthly people who care for them, and the heavenly angels who are most certainly waiting to escort some of them home to hear “well done good and faithful servant.” And so, Father Orthoduck urges you to give this year. Go out and help at a homeless shelter for one day. Or, go out and help serve a meal to the poor for one day. Or, go out Christmas caroling to a hospital or a nursing home one day. Or, come up with some other creative way to give one day. But, make sure you go to be that gift. Do not merely send money, although money is needed by many ministries. No, go and get involved yourself. Work out your salvation with fear and trembling among those who need you this season. But, this Father Orthoduck will tell you. There will be no fear or trembling involved as you do this, though there may be tight throats and tears. To use the Nike advertising slogan for a good end, JUST DO IT.
TulsaMeg says
I know exactly what you mean. Our choir from St. Antony Antiochian Orthodox Church in Tulsa went caroling last night to some of our older/disabled parishioners who can no longer make it to service. Many of which are now in retirement/nursing centers. We were able to sing to not only our parishioners but there were many other residents there as well. My favorite part is looking out into the ‘audience’ and see people singing along with us, or tapping their fingers to the tune. What a blessed time of year and a wonderful way to spread cheer and Good News! 🙂 Blessings, Father!! Love, Megan from Tulsa, OK