As you know, Father Orthoduck is officially a fan of the University of Alabama. So, why is the logo of Auburn University on his blog? Well, it has to do with the following story that has been reported in various of the news media, including CNN. A Birmingham lawyer — and lifelong Auburn football fan — asked a judge this week to hold off scheduling a trial so he and his family can go to the team’s Jan. 10 national championship game, fearing he might not ever get another chance.
Canada Ambien Order The judge understood his predicament. Michael Mulvaney, one of the attorneys representing the Hartford Fire Insurance Co. in a civil case in federal court in Mobile, filed a motion Wednesday requesting that a trial scheduled for January begin on Jan. 17 or be continued to February in light of the championship game.
“As a life-long Auburn fan, I am asking the Court for grace and mercy to allow me to take my family (wife and 3 daughters) to the game, which is set for January 10, 2011. We have purchased non-refundable plane tickets and hotel rooms,” Mulvaney writes in his motion. “We have not yet bought tickets to the game.” … Later on Wednesday, U.S. District Judge Kristi DuBose, whose court is in Mobile, granted Mulvaney’s request, ordering that the trial not be held on Jan. 7-11. Father Orthoduck thoroughly understands the motion of the lawyer and the good decision of the Federal judge. He fails to understand why people would even be amazed by such a request, or find it humorous. This year even Crimson Tide fans are rooting for Auburn in the national title game. Should Auburn win, it will be the first time since the 1930’s that back to back national football titles have been won by two schools in the same state. Should quarterback Cam Newton be awarded the Heisman Trophy, it would be the first time that two schools from the same state will have won both back to back national titles and back to back Heisman Trophies, because the 2009 winner was from the University of Alabama. So, here is one Crimson Tide fan who will be shouting War Eagle during the BCS national title game. He also recommends that all businesses in Alabama close on that day in support of THE GAME.
Order Ambien Online Canada Father, what I do find humorous is that the attorney — with trial set for January — went ahead and purchased non-refundable tickets without having received a continuance from the Court. I don’t know if I would have put that in the motion. Glad things worked out, though. Thanks so much for your great blog. Leigh and I enjoy it lots.
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Steve Scott says I was sure you’d be cheering for the [ortho]Ducks. 🙂 I’m pulling for Oregon.
Buy Ambien Generic Online War Eagle!! Thanks for the support!