Father Orthoduck is preempting Father Ernesto for the following important note on a true American hero. General Colin Powell was the Chief of Staff for the USA Armed Forces during Operation Desert Storm. It was the plan that he approved then sent to President Bush that was used by General Herbert Norman Schwarzkopf, Jr. when […]
Archives for September 2010
The power of culture
Ambien Sales Online Do you remember when you first learned in class that there was a period in Chinese history in which many Chinese women had their feet bound from the time they were babies? Multiple theories attempt to explain the origin of foot binding: from the desire to emulate the naturally tiny feet of a favored concubine […]
Some good posters
· by 8 Comments GenX Christians have all too often come in for negative comments from far too many people. So, let me point you to a website, with an old post from 2007 where you can see some posters that express another side of GenX Christians, Emerging Grace. I think you will enjoy looking at the posters. But, […]
Mosque vandalism in the USA
· by 3 Comments In the posts over the mosque in New York City various posters have responded to Father Orthoduck, accusing him of either relativism or theological liberalism. Father Orthoduck had to point out time and again that the issue was neither. The issue was the Constitution of the United States of America and the first ten amendments, […]
Quick statement on the “Islam is violent” argument
· by 7 Comments Father Orthoduck is running late today and will try to post more later, as he promised to a poster from yesterday. However, he would like to make the following statement. Essentially all religions (with some pacifist exceptions) have gone through periods during which they turned violent. And, when they turned violent, they did so against […]
Alabama and true religion
· by 15 Comments
Father Orthoduck knew that the Deep South is a place of strongly held religious beliefs. In returning to Alabama, Father Orthoduck knew that he would encounter those strongly held beliefs. However, even Father Orthoduck was unprepared for the strength of the committed beliefs found in Alabama on a certain subject. Yesterday, at the VA Medical […]
A good day for Turkey
Turkey, the seat of the old Ottoman Empire is undergoing some changes. By vote of the people, 26 amendments to the Constitution of Turkey were approved yesterday. Below are some quotes from one of the reports: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan hailed the passage of a wide-ranging package of constitutional amendments as a “milestone […]
Whose fault is it anyway?
Bad logic on Ground Zero Islamic Cultural Center
Today I received a mass e-mail that contained a sad argument against the proposed Islamic cultural center near Ground Zero. In part it said: Should there be a mosque near Ground Zero? In fact, what is proposed is not a mosque—nor even an “Islamic cultural center.” In Islam, every structure linked to the faith and […]
An alternate Christian stance on Israel
The following document comes courtesy of a fellow blogger who downloaded it from the source. It is from 2009, but is a document signed by the non-fundamentalist Christians who are actually having to suffer in the Middle East from the result of our policies and folks such as the pastor in Florida who has just […]