Actually there is some good evidence in Scripture, besides the one Scripture that I quoted in the other post that James and John bar Zebedee came from a rich family. In fact, it has been pointed out to me that there are some very good Scriptures that point to Zebedee’s family having some money and influence. Let’s take a look at some of those Scriptures.
Mark 1:19-20 — When He had gone a little farther from there, He saw James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother, who also were in the boat mending their nets. And immediately He called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired servants, and went after Him.
Zolpidem Online Luke 5:9-12 — For he and all who were with him were astonished at the catch of fish which they had taken; and so also were James and John, the sons of Zebedee, who were partners with Simon. And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.” So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him. Matthew 27:55-56 — And many women who followed Jesus from Galilee, ministering to Him, were there looking on from afar, among whom were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James and Joses, and the mother of Zebedee’s sons.
Mark 15:40-41 — Some women were watching from a distance. Among them were Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James the younger and of Joses, and Salome. In Galilee these women had followed him and cared for his needs. Many other women who had come up with him to Jerusalem were also there. Mark 16:1 — Now when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, and Salome bought spices, that they might come and anoint Him. Now let’s put the picture above together. Remember the Scripture that I quoted a couple of days ago from the Gospel of John that mentioned that the Apostle John was able to simply walk into the high priest’s palace. Now look at the Scriptures above. Daddy Zebedee had enough money to have “hired servants.” John and James were partners with Andrew and Simon and owned more than one boat between them. This may well be in addition to whatever boat(s) Daddy Zebedee owned. It is true that it says that they “forsook all,” but my point is that they grew up in a well-off family.
Is Buying Ambien Online Illegal Salome was the mother of James and John. She was also one of the well-off women who “followed him and cared for his needs.” The Zebedee family had enough money allow Salome to give part of it away in order to support Jesus’ ministry.
Cheap Clonazepam Tablets Salome was one of the Myhrr-bearing women, but it is often not well noted that those women also bought the spices which they had planned to use on Jesus. Again, there is an indication of money being readily available. I suspect that there are other allusions in the Scriptures, but these have convinced me that the Apostles James and John came from a well-off well-connected family.
Bill M says Father, I have thoroughly appreciated the conversation of the past few days regarding the apostles, and the assumptions made about them, and the commentary by other readers. Thanks for posting this series. I had not visited in awhile, and I’m glad I stopped back in.
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Fr. Ernesto Obregon says Thanks, I appreciate the feedback.
Mike MacCarthy says
Order Zolpidem Uk Father, Are there any source documents (of which you are aware) that make serious reference to what each of the apostles looked like–especially the Apostle John? Also, are you aware of any source documents that spell out what Mother Mary, Salome (Mary’s sister), and Mary Magdalene looked like. If so, I would greatly appreciate having that information. Many thanks for your kind assistance. Mike MacCarthy
Fr. Ernesto Obregon says
There are no source documents that let us know anything reliable of what either Our Lord Jesus Christ or The Twelve Apostles looked like. Every supposedly ancient description of how Our Lord looked has been shown to be a forgery. In fact, one can read the Early Church Fathers discussing as to whether Jesus was of “little” appearance or as to whether he was quite handsome, depending on whether they choose to look at Isaiah or at the Psalms. It never rose to the level of an argument since no one had any way to know. Apparently, there was really not much interest among the Early Christians in describing either Our Lord or the Apostles. Interestingly enough, the images of Jesus as the Good Shepherd that are found many many times, all picture him with short hair and no beard. The other half of the very early non-Good-Shepherd images that are found picture him with a beard and longer hair. The one that has become popular after about the fourth century is the one with long hair and a beard.
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Lena says Father, interesting post. When many people talks about the apostles,they seem to think they’re very poor and illiterate. This is the reason they think no apostle could have written the gospels.
Some time ago I was reading an explanation about the fisherman who worked near the Lake Tiberias. It seems the fishing licenses were very expensive,because of the great deal of fish in the lake. So no all people could fish.
I hope you don’t mind this since it’s outside scripture.
Sorry my english father, I’m a no native speaker.
Best Regards Lena
Buy Ambien Online Overnight For me…. Employing “hired servants” does not necessarily mean they had a lot of money. It is not uncommon for small business owners (myself included) to have hired help even though we might be barely getting by. That being said, our society tends to sell the disciples as a poor lot, but this was not true Even Mathew (a tax collector) and various other individual involved surely had varying amounts of wealth. What is interesting, is that we will all be amazed when we all eventually discover the truth behind the people and stories within the Bible. As someone who has studied anthropology, the Bible IS easily the greatest historical and archeological tool that mankind has witnessed. Sad that many do not feel this way.
Carmelo Jr says A 1st century fishing boat was large enough to accommodate 12 fishermen. This means Zebedee had at least 7 employees in that particular boat. Yes, he had a good fishing business and had his kids follow his steps.
Michael John Curry says They are found in the Vatican archives. Relics.
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robert taylor says The fact that someone owns a few boats and has a few servants/employees in no way means that they are well off.Many a business owner now and most likely then are living hand to mouth and go broke as well. Yes, but the fact that he is listed as knowing the High Priest puts him in a whole different category from Peter and Andrew who also owned boats, but could not get past the courtyard. John 18:15-17 specifically states that John had special privileges that Peter did not have. That points to rich, not to barely making it. The way that Peter was treated points to a simple middle-class owner.
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Tracy Ballard says
I have problems with John. He seems power hungry from the viewpoints described in the other books (who will be the greatest, having his mother ask to seat him at Jesus right hand in the kingdom, wanting to call down fire on people, wanting to stop others from using Christ name because they arent part of the group). Most of what is described to set him a part is described by him in his own book (beloved…when the other books clearly describe a favoring of Peter), John 18:15-17 having privileges you mentioned and other stories that the rest didnt mention yet leaving out key things the others did (Jesus telling them to look to the book of Daniel for end times). This has bothered me for a long time especially when in our times Revelations is put in that place instead of following Jesus directions to look to the book of Daniel. When you are the only one alive you can say what you want about things…how they went…who was loved the most. Someone who wanted some sort of power/influence would do that. Also the end of Revelations…cursing anyone that doenst follow it….no other book does that. Its done so it MUST be followed instead of direct instruction from Jesus to look to Daniel. I’ll follow Jesus. Havent had much success finding any help on this subject. Thought i would take a shot. Hope you are well
It may interest you to know that the Apocalypse (the Book of the Revelation) is not read in worship in the Orthodox Churches (like Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, etc.). The Apocalypse was the last book of the New Testament accepted in the Christian East. Conversely, the book of Hebrews was the last book accepted in the Christian West. I do not tend to agree with your opinion of the older John, but it is an interesting thesis.
A 1st century fishing boat was large enough to accommodate 12 fishermen. This means Zebedee had at least 7 employees in that particular boat. Yes, he had a good fishing business and had his kids follow his steps.
It is important that when we take on Christ we accept the full bible, not what we like and discard the rest. That be the case people will take only what pleases them and tickle their ears. The Holy Spirit is fully capable to lead us in all truths. John surely did drink from the cup of persecution and as earned his portion in the scriptures. I am humbled when I think of the paths these disciples walked to leave us a legacy that mere man can please God. It takes one that knows the love of Christ to teach us to love, that is why he is known as the Apostle of love.