Both Father Ernesto and Father Orthoduck have been assigned to a new place by their bishop. They are in the process of moving to Alabama. Posting is suspended for this day and maybe the next. Do pray for our move, especially for the pastora (khourie, presbitera, matushka) who bears so much of the brunt of a move.
Buenos Dias Padre,
Me da mucho gusto que se muden a alabama asi podremos estar en contacto ya sabe que ustedes son muy queridos y que cualquier cosa que necesite nos puede avisar… Espero que todo salga bien lo mantendre en mis oraciones. Ojala y pueda visitarnos para cenar cuando ya este aqui en alabama.
Nancy Orduno.
May your move be blessed by more than just the Bishop and especially your wife.
Once in Alabama you will, of course, be expected to make your declaration of which school you stand behind: Auburn or Alabama? :^)
May the Lord preserve you & Khyria in all the details of the move, and grant you favor and love in your service in AL.
May you moving be blessed. I pray for your safety, the arrival at your new Temple, and that all will work out fine.
May God bless you in your new ministery!
Are Father Orthoduck and Father Ernesto moving to the same parish? Many blessings.
Father Orthoduck is the less well-behaved alter-ego of Father Ernesto. He tries to remember to use Father Orthoduck when he feels like a good rant!
You know I will be praying.